Wall Street Journal: Trump imposes tariffs on 200 billion dollars of Chinese products


The timing of the announcement is fluid, two people familiar with the plans said Saturday at CNN.

According to the Journal, rates should be around 10%, according to people familiar with the issue, a level lower than the possibility of 25% tariffs previously introduced by the administration.
The decision aims to increase pressure on Beijing ahead of the planned high-level talks and aims to give the US the influence of negotiations on the alleged Chinese practice of requiring US companies to launch technologies to do business. in the country. However, any new pricing could aggravate trade tensions between the United States and China.
CNN has already reported that the president had urged his administration to go ahead with tariffs; Trump met with key collaborators earlier in the week and asked them to continue the plan.

The newspaper reported that informed people on the plan said the details were still under development, but they plan an official announcement of the new rates on Monday or Tuesday.

White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters did not comment on the newspaper's details. She told the Journal to a statement released Friday. CNN contacted the White House for comments.

"The president has been clear that he and his administration will continue to take action against China's unfair trade practices," she said in her statement. "We encourage China to respond to the long-standing concerns raised by the United States."

The next round of US tariffs on Chinese products is expected to generate thousands of products, including Dishwashers, Fitbit fitness trackers and food seasonings, which are more expensive for US consumers.

The Trump administration has already imposed tariffs of 25% on $ 50 billion worth of Chinese products. Trump said the tariffs are needed to punish Beijing for what he says is his unfair business practices and intellectual property theft.

China, which has accused the United States of commercial harassment, has matched the dollar for one dollar. Beijing is committed to retaliating with tariffs on an additional $ 60 billion of US exports, including meat, coffee, furniture and auto parts.

Donna Borak from CNN contributed to this report.

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