Walmart and Amazon Propose Offers for Cyber ​​Monday


Retailers hope that there is still enough online shopping by Monday.

Amazon and Walmart, the two largest online vendors in the US, plan to beef up their online offerings for Cyber ​​Monday.

Walmart announced on Friday that it would make more offers than ever on Monday after Thanksgiving this year. Scott Hilton, director of American e-commerce revenue Walmart, has promised to "several thousand" new deals on Cyber ​​Monday this year compared to last year's Walmart offers.

Hilton also said Walmart had prepared more inventory this year on some of the proposed deals in the areas of toys, home and electronics.

Amazon announced Friday the launch of its Cyber ​​Monday Deals week, Saturday, Nov. 24, until next week. He promised "bigger cuts and even more choice" this year.

Last year, Amazon said Cyber ​​Monday 2017 was its biggest selling day to date. The 2018 Prime Day passed as an event, although it lasted 36 hours. It is therefore likely that Cyber ​​Monday retains the crown for a day event.

Read more: Thanksgiving kills Black Friday by replacing him

Some experts have wondered how long Cyber ​​Monday could remain as its own event. On Black Friday, online sales were close to the $ 6.6 billion Cyber ​​Monday campaign last year, including $ 6.2 billion for the day, according to Adobe Analytics.

The latest buying trends, such as the growth of e-commerce, are challenging the idea of ​​Black Friday as an in-store shopping day and Cyber ​​Monday as time for online shopping. Customers do not see it anymore.

"According to early information from buyers' intentions, 33% of US buyers will buy mainly or exclusively online purchases at Black Friday, thereby abolishing the uniqueness of Cyber ​​Monday," said Ray Wimer, assistant sales professor. Retail at the University of Syracuse, in a statement. E-mail.

"In addition, 54% of US shoppers say they are more likely to shop online at Black Friday, the main reasons being convenience and simplicity, again, it would hurt Cyber ​​Monday." . "

Adobe predicts that Cyber ​​Monday will generate $ 7.8 billion in online sales when it's all over.

More on Black Friday:

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