Walmart asks California fire evacuees to leave home


Walmart has asked hundreds of evacuees of the deadly California encampment to leave his property in Chico, citing health and wellness issues for those displaced by hell, responsible for the death of 39, at least 81 people.

The makeshift slum known as Wallywoood – a name formed by combining Walmart and Hollywood – was born with evacuees sleeping in tents on a grassy area of ​​the company's property. On Tuesday, Walmart employees began posting signs asking evacuees to leave, shortly before the rain began to fall. On Wednesday morning, many evacuees left, but there were about 50 tents left and many Wallywood residents were threatened, braving the elements.

"I'd rather be here and catch a cold than be in a shelter and catch something worse," said Billy Elgen, evacuee of Magalia, at Bee Sacramento.

Although sanctioned shelters have been designated for survivors in local churches and fairs, many evacuees have refused them because of reports that 140 people have contacted norovirus, a highly contagious virus that causes fever, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting and other intestinal and intestinal disorders. problems.

Walmart is facing a deadlock between sheltering the evacuees and waiting for Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year. Nevertheless, the supermarket giant insists that asking evacuees to look for other shelters is more of a safety issue.

"We continue to be concerned about the health, safety and well-being of those who remain on our property and work in cooperation with municipal, county and state officials and local non-profit organizations to increase capacity of local shelters and help create good temporary working conditions. housing options, "said Walmart spokeswoman Delia Garcia The bee of Sacramento Tuesday evening. Garcia said the company had donated more than $ 500,000 to relief organizations. "

Garcia went on to say that the region was waiting for rain, which is good for fighting a forest fire, but not for day-to-day living.

"Weather forecasts from the National Weather Service indicate that the rain is starting to fall. [Tuesday night] and continue until Friday has intensified our existing concerns and increased the urgency of finding a more sustainable solution, "continued Garcia. We ask the remaining people to evacuate the property and move on to a more appropriate shelter. "

Most licensed shelters have food, beds, and hot showers, like the one that just opened 28 miles away at Gridley. Butte County officials encouraged evacuees in Wallywood to search for protective shelters. It is for better living conditions and, of course, a more accurate way to follow the evacuees and pass on more information.

County volunteers traveled to Wallywood to offer walks and fuel cards to all evacuees wishing to visit a sanctioned shelter.

Fortune cities in times of crisis are not new. However, Walmart's image could suffer if it resembled a company that does not show compassion in such moments, despite its efforts to donate money and meet some basic needs.

Bob Phibbs is a national retail consultant who said L & # 39; bee that Walmart is facing a dilemma with "no easy answers."

"I would prefer that the backlash (public relations) takes place in less than a month, while you are going to put people on the street before Christmas," Phibbs said. L & # 39; bee.

Burt Flickinger III, an independent retail consultant in New York City, said Walmart should think wisely before deciding whether or not the evacuees should stay. Flickinger made a comparison with giant Pathmark supermarkets, leaving first responders to have his entire store near Ground Zero in New York after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

"Walmart, like any retail leader, could use goodwill," said Flickinger.

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