Walmart Impeach 45 shirt sparks backlash


Walmart is under fire from the "Impeach 45" shirts and a hide and seek that are sold on the retailer's website.

Walmart is under fire to offer clothing with the inscription "Impeach 45," a call for the removal of President Donald Trump.

T-shirts and hats are manufactured by a third-party seller, Old Glory, and are sold through Walmart Marketplace, the retailer's website that contains millions of items made by other companies.

Ryan Fournier, President of Students for Trump, tweeted about clothes on Monday. Fournier tweeted: "@ Walmart Why are you selling Impeach 45 baby clothes on your website ????? What kind of message do you want to send?"

Fournier's tweet helped trigger a wave of reaction against Walmart. Walmart's social media accounts have been bombarded with threats of boycotting Trump supporters.

"There are more Trump supporters than not … This shirt outfit is offensive," wrote one person on the retailer's Facebook page. "If the left can be offended, we too, it is very offensive".


"Such a lack of respect for a president who won the election of the voters who shop in your stores!" wrote another. "Shame on you walmart !! I hope this t-shirt is worth the loss of the customer you will lose."

Walmart did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.

This is not the first time that Walmart has been criticized for politically charged clothing manufactured by a third party and sold on the retailer's website.

In 2016, Walmart released from its online store a Black Lives Matter shirt and hoodie made by Old Glory after police accused the retailer of helping the apparel maker take advantage of racial division. And, in 2017, the company took off a shirt that said: "Rope, Tree, Journalist, SOME REQUIRED ASSEMBLIES". made by the third party seller Teespring from his website.


Old Glory is a clothing retailer based in Centerbrook, Connecticut. The company sells "Impeach 45" clothing on other websites in addition to Walmart Marketplace, including Amazon.

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