Walmart partners with vendors for free shipping in 2 days, easy returns


Walmart strengthens its online offerings with the help of friends.

The company said Tuesday it has partnered with "hundreds" of its best-selling third-party market from to offer a free two-day shipping.

This will result in "millions of other" items on eligible for the benefit, which is available on eligible orders above $ 35, according to the company. Free eligibility for shipping these items for two days will begin in November.

As long as a product is marked as eligible for a free shipment in two days, no matter who sells it: customers always benefit from the benefit. For example, if a customer has two items worth $ 35 in his shopping cart, as long as they are both eligible for a two-day shipment, it does not matter if the order comes from a vendor or directly from the seller. Walmart.

Walmart has also improved the return policy of these selected vendors. Starting soon, Walmart will simplify returns by allowing customers to print return slips from their website, attach them to boxes and send them back to vendors.

Beginning in mid-November, Walmart will also send the package on behalf of customers if they deposit it at one of their stores in the United States. All they have to do is bring them to the fully packed services counter to return them.

In both cases, the cost of return varies depending on the items and the seller.

The addition of features to Walmart's third-party market provides customers with a more seamless shopping experience, without worrying about the shipping location of each item.

It reflects Amazon's achievements from Amazon and Prime Onsite, which ships vendor packages and certifies third-party warehouses to ship Prime packages, respectively.

The new Walmart program does not take shipping internally, but it offers something that Amazon's only online operation can match: a network of 4,700 stores that can serve as a point of fall.

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