Walmart to Initiate $ 65 Million Class Action Against Upright Cashiers


Walmart could soon pay $ 65 million in a nine-year-old class suit against its lack of seating for cashiers.

Nisha Brown sued in 2009, according to the Los Angeles Timesand 100,000 current and former California Walmart cashiers are eligible to receive a portion of the payment.

Former Walmart employees stated that the retailer had breached a 2001 California Salary Order, which required employees to be assigned "appropriate seating where the nature of the work reasonably permitted".

Walmart argued, however, that the nature of cashier work does not allow cashiers to sit down. Among his reasons, by the LA Times: cashiers must move to greet customers and look in baskets; cashiers are less efficient when they sit down; customers prefer standing crates; and providing cashiers with seats would result in lost revenue.

Both parties to the case filed a draft regulation this week and a judge still has to approve the settlement amount of $ 65 million.

As part of the settlement, Walmart would launch a "pilot program" providing stools to cashiers who request it and agree not to retaliate against workers who choose to sit down.

"Both parties are pleased to have reached a draft resolution and look forward to the court approving the preliminary approval of the settlement," said Walmart spokesman Randy Hargrove. LA Times.

The lawsuit is similar to a CVS lost on the same problem in 2016.

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