Walmart will use the blockchain to stop the spread of E. Coli in lettuce


While companies such as Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft have all announced that they were working in the blockchain, this is one of the first tangible cases of use announced by a large corporation. Fortune 500 company.

Walmart has been piloting technology on the IBM's Blockbuster Food Trust for 18 months, using it to track everything from chicken mangoes. The result is a reduction in the time it takes to track a food from a Walmart store at source in minutes, compared to days or sometimes weeks, Walmart said.

The blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. It records transactions on a large public ledger and eliminates the need of a third party in most cases and is presented as faster and more secure by lawyers.

Even when the outbreaks of E. Coli are able to determine the affected areas and take out food from grocery stores, Walmart said that millions of Romaine lettuce heads were to be pulled off the market and that consumers were losing confidence.

Despite some real ads, blockchain has been a buzzword this year. According to the PwC Global Blockchain 2018 survey, which included 600 executives from 15 territories, 84% of them said their companies were "actively involved" in the technology.

Although WalMart has not indicated how much the blockchain movement would cost farmers, IBM has launched a site to incentivize vendors to integrate and aims to implement a "low-cost, easy-to-use" transition. cost".

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