Warren says Trump should pay for an offer of a million dollars


Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenBiden is leading the Dems squad during a potential duel in 2020: Trump poll attacking the Democratic Party in the race of Ohio Governor Warren reacts to the insult of an "arrogant woman": "Was I hard with John Kelly? … You bet I was" PLUS " Monday called President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump: "I do not believe everyone in the White House", JPMorgan President withdraws from Saudi conference Trump defends family separations at the border MORE on her offer to pay $ 1 million if she could prove that she had a Native American heritage.

In a series of tweets, Warren asked Trump to send a check to the National Resource Center for Aboriginal Women, which supports Native American women victims of sexual violence.

"The NIWRC is a non-profit organization that works to protect Aboriginal women from violence," said Warren. "More than half of Aboriginal women have experienced sexual violence, and the majority of violent crime against Native Americans is perpetrated by non-Aboriginal people. Send them your $ 1M check. "

Earlier Monday, Warren released the results of a DNA analysis that "strongly supports" the fact that she is of Native American ancestry.

By publishing the test, led by a senior DNA researcher, Warren hopes to defuse the attacks of Trump and other critics who claim to be lying about his heritage.

Trump, who has repeatedly referred to Warren as "Pocahontas," said at a rally in July that he would give $ 1 million to his "favorite charity" if Warren passed a DNA test and that it shows that she is "Indian".

"I passed this test and published the results for all those interested in seeing because I have nothing to hide," she tweeted. "What are you hiding, @realDonaldTrump? Free your tax returns – or the Democrat-led House will do it for you soon enough. Tic-tac, Mr. President.

At the July rally, Trump joked that he would put a DNA test kit on stage if the two men were to face each other in a presidential debate. Warren is considered one of the best candidates to face Trump in 2020 and said she would think about it seriously after the mid-term elections in November.

Many see in the publication of his DNA test an additional indication that Warren is considering launching an offer at the White House.

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