Was Count Dracula right? According to scientists, young blood transfusion helps fight against old age disease


In popular culture, Count Dracula is a character who drinks the blood of young girls to keep his youth. Now, a new study by a leading geneticist at University College London has suggested that transfusing young blood on older people would allow them to stay healthy without any illness.

Blood transfusion to retain youth?

Lady Linda Partridge, the geneticist who led the study, argues that young blood will allow people to live longer without being affected by diseases such as cancer, dementia and other heart diseases. The study report that is now published in Nature Journal also speaks of the vitality of conducting similar experiments because it is one of the most promising companies in the medical sciences.

In the initial stages of research, Lady Linda Patridge conducted experiments on mice. After being transfused with young blood, older mice did not develop an age-related disease and also showed an improvement in their cognitive abilities. It should also be noted that the health of younger mice began to deteriorate when they received blood from older animals.

Lady Linda Patridge believes that more blood tests should be done to identify molecules that elevate physical health.

"The identification of these drugs is a priority for research. The convenient accessibility of the human microbiome and blood system makes therapeutic manipulation particularly interesting, but animal research is needed to establish the long-term consequences." term and possible side effects "Linda Patridge, reports of investigation.

After testing on mice, Linda Patridge and her team launched a limited human trial in which 70 participants participated. All of these 70 participants spent $ 8,000 out of their pocket to be part of this study. These participants received plasma, the main blood component of people aged 16 to 25 years. Surprisingly, most participants showed a considerable improvement in their physical health.

The effects noted include a ten percent reduction in blood cholesterol levels. It should be noted that high blood cholesterol is often considered as one of the main reasons that increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

The younger blood transfusion also helped reduce amyloid protein levels. An increased amount of amyloid protein will form toxic clumps in the brain in people with dementia.

The special case of Kim Il-sung

Kim Il-sung, the grandfather of the incumbent North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, also believed in blood transfusions, as did Count Dracula. According to reports, Kim Il-sung was receiving blood transfusions from younger people to try to live up to the age of 100 years.

Despite continued efforts to retain youth, Kim Il-sung died in 1994 at the age of 82. Kim Il-sung's supporters believe that their leader lost his life simply because his personal physician entered South Korea in 1992.

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