Was it important to remain supportive of Dr. Ford?


There were a number of demonstrators and activists in DC. Brett Kavanaugh hear, and among them was an actress Alyssa Milano, who explained to CNN this afternoon why she decided to participate.

She first reacted to the FBI's additional investigation, saying Ana Cabrera "a fair process starts with a real investigation". Milano congratulated the senator Jeff Flake and the women who faced him yesterday in the elevator a few hours before calling for the deadline of one week.

Regarding the audience itself, Milano said: "I do not believe that the misogyny of a man should take precedence over the humanity of a survivor and I will not be the same. I thought it was important to be supportive of Dr. Ford and all the women and men who were victims of crazy power abuse. And I felt blessed to be able to do it and be there, no matter how stoic I should be.

Part of their efforts on the Hill included going to senators' offices, including Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski to share personal stories of assault.

"None of these senators came out to hear our stories in person," said Milano. "As survivors, we feel our voices and experiences are constantly swept under the rug."

She tore up Kavanaugh about her testimony, saying that "if a woman did so during an interrogation, she was considered totally helpless".

At one point, Cabrera asked if she had been criticized for "taking pictures or videos during the testimonies". Milano said the police had shouted at her to take videos and that she was respectful after being warned.

You can look above, via CNN.

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