Washington announces in Delhi: Buy our F-16 and grant the exemption of the agreement to Russia


Written by Sushant Singh
| New Delhi |

Last Updated: October 20, 2018 07:13:06

Jim Mattis, first "decisive moment" of dialogue for Indo-American relations Nirmala Sitharaman and Sushma Swaraj with their counterparts Jim Mattis and Mike Pompeo at the 2 + 2 dialogue last month. (Photo express)

India having signed a pact with Russia for the purchase of the S-400 missile defense system, Washington informally informed Delhi that it could avoid the sanctions provided by the US Anti-Terrorism Law (CAATSA) if the India could give insurance the F-16 fighter plane from the United States. Unwilling to buy a plane already in service in Pakistan, India has refused to give such insurance to date. The fallout from the Trump administration's reaction to the S-400 agreement was taken into account during the discussion between Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and his US counterpart James Mattis on Friday in Singapore, but sources told The Indian Express that the offer of a CAATSA waiver in exchange for the purchase of F-16 fighter aircraft was made earlier this month. Sitharaman and Mattis met on the sidelines of the Meeting of Defense Ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ADMM Plus).

Sitharaman is also due to make his first bilateral visit to the United States as defense minister in mid-December, but it is unclear whether Mattis would still be part of the Trump government. Mattis has been a strong advocate for a CAATSA waiver for India, arguing forcefully for a waiver in the US Congress. But the three-step waiver process is to be decided by President Trump, who said last week that India "would find" the answer "sooner than you think." US State Department officials have stated that "no general derogation will be issued for any particular country", and any waivers under CAATSA "would require countries to significantly reduce their dependence on Russian arms ". The sanctions provided by CAATSA would be triggered when Delhi makes a payment for Russian equipment. India is likely to pay part of the $ 4.5 billion deal with Russia in this exercise.

US officials told The Indian Express that there was "support from both sides of the lodge" for "energetic action against Russia", and that President Trump will need a good deal with India for granting a waiver to CAATSA. Although the United States has offered F-16 and F-18 fighter jets to India, it will be easier in Washington to advocate for the transfer of the F-16 production line to India.

Although US officials argue that the F-16 offered in India is the F-16 Block 70, well above the 50/52 Block in the Pakistan inventory, Delhi does not like to buy a fighter plane that has been part of the Pakistani air force for nearly three years. decades. In addition to "political" reasons, Delhi also claims that the F-16 would not be compatible with its Brahmos missiles.

The Indian Air Force has issued a request for information for the purchase of 114 fighter aircraft (single / twin engine) as part of a competitive bidding process, which could include F aircraft. -16 and F-18. But this open competition will not include any assurances for Delhi that Washington would buy an American plane.

A specifically promulgated law, the ultimate goal of CAATSA, in the words of a senior state department official, "is to prevent income being paid to the Russian government." defense sector. CAATSA provides President Trump with two mechanisms to issue a waiver for India: CAATSA Section 236 (b) ("Waiver of Penalties That Are Imposed") or Section 231 (d) ("Amended Waiver Authority"). certain transactions punishable under the ").

It requires the President to certify that India: (i) is taking or will take steps to reduce its inventory of major defense equipment and advanced conventional weapons produced by the Federation's defense sector of Russia as part of its total inventory of major defense equipment and advanced conventional weapons over a period of time; or (ii) cooperates with the United States Government on other security matters of critical importance to the strategic interests of the United States.

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