WATCH: A man calls an elderly woman "the black bastard" in flight [Explicit VIDEO]


A man from the United Kingdom launched racist epithets and an explicit pejorative language to an old black woman on a RyanAir flight on Friday 19 October.

The video was posted on Twitter and a longer version was uploaded to YouTube.

David Lawrence posted the video on YouTube in these terms: "Here is the footage that I recorded during a Ryanair flight of October 19, 2018. In the clip, you can see and hear the man call this old woman a bad black bastard. "

The man screams and yells vulgarity to the woman for several minutes.

People say that he should be ejected from the flight while the flight crew says that the woman might want to change seats and asks the man to calm down.

The man calls her a "black dog" and "ugly black bastard" among other racist vulgarities. The passengers are stunned but try to stop the man. He continues to call her, then threatens that if she does not move to another seat, he will "push her".

He insists that they have to move it. She says that she wants to talk to her daughter. Ryanair's flight attendants seem to do little except to move her and ask her to calm down.

In the last pictures, the woman is not there and the hostess says to the man, "I'm fine now."

We do not know what Ryanair did after the incident. The airline company says that it is "the favorite of Europe".

Theres did not mention the incident on RyanAir's website or on its social networks.

This is a story in development.

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