Watch an amazing NASA video pouring 450,000 gallons of water on its rocket launcher in less than a minute


NASA has released an incredible video that shows when 450,000 gallons of water were released on the Kennedy Space Center Launchpad 39B in one minute space.

Officials tested the launch pad for the launch of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) – a next-generation, ultra-heavy lift rocket – and called the "Ignition Overpressure Protection and Sound Suppression Water Deluge System" – and of his subsequent missions.

When SLS takes off, its engines and boosters will produce a combined boost of 8.4 million pounds, generating enormous amounts of heat, noise and energy. To help protect the rocket, the mobile launcher and the launch pad from acoustic pressures and extreme temperatures, large amounts of water will be sprayed on the area during its ignition and take-off.

Modifications were made to the wafer after a previous water flow test, increasing the performance of the system. Upgrades included corrosion control, renovation of the elevated water storage tank and replacement of much of the piping, valves, nozzles and other components.

"The testing of the improved and new parts of the system and a new control system went very smoothly," Regina Spellman, senior project manager at Kennedy, said in a statement.

The first phase of the test involved pumping 150,000 gallons of water from a holding tank at high speed into all new and modified areas of the launch pad. During the second phase, more than double that amount was released – about 450,000 gallons – producing a giant fountain that, at its peak, reached about 100 feet in the air.

launch_pad_39b_water_deluge_test Approximately 450,000 gallons of water have flowed from a storage tank at high speed through new and modified piping and valves, the flare trench, and mobile launcher interface risers during a flow test. wet at Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center of NASA in Florida. NASA / Kim Shiflett

"A geyser happened because the mobile launcher was not present on the pad," said Nick Moss, deputy project manager of the pad. "When the mobile launcher relies on its surface mount mechanisms, the rest of the system is connected to the pad's feed headers and the water goes through the supply piping and exits through them." nozzles. "

"Additional water flow tests are expected to take place when the mobile launcher returns to the platform for integrated testing this summer," said Moss.

The SLS, as well as the future Orion multi-purpose vehicle, are part of NASA's future deep space exploration plans, which include crewed missions on the Moon and Mars. The SLS, which will be the most powerful rocket ever built to date in terms of total thrust, is designed to replace the retired space shuttle program.

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