Watch Boring Co. of Elon Musk Run a Massive Tunneling Machine with an Xbox Controller


Here is a new use of technology.

While Elon Musk had a few weeks of shit – slammed for smoking marijuana on Joe Rogan's show, lost members of the Tesla board – he still has some interesting stuff, like sending giant machines to make train tunnels fast.

Elon Musk becomes musky

Elon Musk becomes musky

Thank you for watching!

Let's face it, running these huge machines with an Xbox controller seems to be an idea of ​​someone who has just been smoking a bomber seal. Still, it is undeniably amazing to watch.

ELECTrek explains why Boring Co. employees

Currently, the boring machines, including the one used in the Hawthorne Tunnel by the Boring Company, require that a worker travels with the tool in order to guide him in the right position, which is both ineffective and dangerous.

It seems that the startup is trying to find new ways to control and place these sections.

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