WATCH: Clip of rabbi studying talmud after goal scored viral


TEL AVIV – The old adage "Football is life. The rest are just details "is obviously not true for a rabbi who was filmed in an Israel-Scotland game in Glasgow at the bottom of a study by Talmudic just after the opposing team scored a goal.

Rabbi Zev Leff became an overnight viral sensation and was the subject of memes and tweets when the camera surprised Rabbi Leff with his wife and grandchildren, his face hidden in a Gemara after the first goal of Israel.

"I think he's missed the goal," commented one of the commentators. The camera does not move, any more than the rabbi.

It must be a good read, "adds another.

Rabbi Leff was in Glasgow to visit his daughter Rebbetzin Sarah Bodenheim and her family.

"My kids were looking forward to this match and all their friends were going in. My dad said he would join them just so that he could spend more time with them," said Rebbetzin Bodenheim.

Bodenheim's husband then stated that his phone had started ringing with the texting sounds sent by friends telling him what had happened.

His wife said, "We have a habit of seeing our father like that. It's not even strange for us. Our father takes the Gemara everywhere with him, even to the supermarket. Whenever he has free time, he sits down and learns.

Channel 2's anchors then joked that if the rabbi begged God during the match, why did not Israel beat Scotland instead of losing 3-2?

In the same match, Israeli fans cheered on Israeli football players for taking off their jackets and giving them to their mascots who shivered in the icy cold of Scotland.

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