WATCH: Dark Phoenix's first trailer


The trailer of Dark Phoenix is there – and he is full of familiar faces.

The preview for the X Men movie, which The last late concert with James Corden Abandoned Thursday, begins with a young Jean Gray (Summer Fontana) saying, "You think you can fix me."

Professor X (James McAvoy) replies, "John, you're not broke."

As John learns the extent of his own abilities – leaning on his feet to cause a car accident – Professor X explains, "I had to keep her steady. I protected it.

"Of the truth?" Mystic (Jennifer Lawrence) replies. "There is another word for that."

After a jump in time, Smith (Jessica Chastain) reprimands Jean (Sophie Turner) in a church: "You have the impression not to be here? You do not do it. They can not begin to understand what you are.

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While John uses his destructive powers – handling a helicopter and returning police cars – Professor X complains, "The world is on the brink. I'm sorry I did not stop sooner. "

"You're always sorry, Charles," answers Magneto (Michael Fassbender). "And there is always a speech. And nobody cares.

"They are right to fear me," warns Jean, forcing the X-Men to regroup to protect themselves and protect the planet from the evil forces it has liberated.

Dark Phoenix Trailer

Dark Phoenix trailer

The last late show with James Corden / Youtube

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Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp, Evan Peters and Kodi Smit-McPhee are also in the film, due out on February 14, 2019.

In December, Lawrence is open to Weekly entertainment to work with director Simon Kinberg on Dark Phoenix.

"Regarding the action, it was the best experience I had [on these films]Lawrence said. "He's been writing these characters for so long and he knows them so deeply. I suddenly felt more connected to my character than ever before. "

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The filming seemed unique to Lawrence. "It was unrecognizable," she continued. "Everything was at the hour. Everything was organized. These movies have always been fun in the midst of chaos, and now they were fun with no chaos."

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