Watch for signs of mushroom poisoning in dogs after …


SAN ANTONIO – The rainy weather has resulted in an increase of mushrooms on the ground and heavy rains across Texas in recent weeks have probably left Fido locked inside the house and ready to take a long walk.

These seemingly harmless fungi could harm your dog's health, and it's important to be alert when you walk your dog because of the mushroom increase.

Mushroom poisoning occurs as a result of the ingestion of toxic fungi, which is a common risk for dogs due to the amount of time they spend on the outside. or in wooded areas, according to PetMD.

The symptoms of fungal poisoning differ depending on the type of mushroom ingested and can vary from one dog to another.

The following symptoms are symptoms of fungal poisoning in dogs:

Abdominal pain
Yellowing of the skin
Uncoordinated movements
Excessive drooling

If you see your pet ingesting a fungus, try to pick up a piece of mushroom that you will bring to the vet.

This could help determine whether the fungus is toxic or not.

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