WATCH Iranian stars meet with US carrier in strategic oil Chokepoint


Patrol boats belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps approached the Americans in the Strait of Hormuz, which handles nearly a third of the world's maritime oil traffic. This is happening as relations between Iran and the United States worsen, not least because of the crippling economic sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic by Trump earlier this year.

Close hostile type contacts

Iran's television aired footage of close encounters between Revolutionary Guard speedboats and the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz.

The footage was shot on March 21 in the Strait of Hormuz, an essential waterway linking the oil-rich countries of the Persian Gulf to the ocean, which annually sees a third of the world's hydrocarbons . In the video, we can see speedboats of the Revolutionary Guards approaching the US aircraft carrier, while Iranian sailors warn the Americans of any radio communication against threats or the use of force "from in any way. "

Rising heat in the Persian Gulf

The images were released at a time when relations between Washington and Tehran were particularly tense as the Iranian economy suffered a decline under US sanctions related to its nuclear activity.

In May, Donald Trump released the United States of Iran's historic Iran-Tehran nuclear deal, saying the "poorly negotiated" deal allowed Iran to go nuclear. Reach the threshold of a nuclear explosion.

He continued the crippling economic sanctions against Tehran and the companies doing business with him, causing investors to withdraw from the Iranian market. Washington's oil sanctions against Iran, which are expected to resume on Nov. 4, have already resulted in a sharp decline in Iranian oil exports: according to Forbes, the country's crude oil sales have dropped 62 percent since May.

This put a strain on security in the Persian Gulf. In July, Iran warned that it would close the Strait of Hormuz due to renewed US sanctions.

The US 5th Fleet, currently deployed in the Persian Gulf, has reported several clashes with Iranian forces in recent years. In one of the last encounters, an unarmed Iranian drone observed a US aircraft carrier on the night of August 24, 2017. Two weeks earlier, the same type of drone had approached them. an American fighter plane while it was preparing to land on an aircraft carrier. , forcing the pilot to change course.

On 25 July, the USS Thunderbolt patrol fired warning shots at an Iranian patrol boat in international waters as he approached US ships and refused to change course.

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