WATCH: Jon Stewart charges Trump with "Joyful Cruelty" on "Late Show"


Jon Stewart again came out of hiding under the office of Stephen Colbert during an appearance on "The Late Show" on Thursday to address President Donald Trump.

The former animator of the "Daily Show," who grew up in Lawrenceville and owns an animal sanctuary with his wife in Colts Neck, is known for his meditations on Trump during his appearances in the late-night show . He has also recently appeared on a segment in which he proclaimed the existence of central New Jersey.

"Hello, Donald!" Stewart, 55, started his message to Trump. "It's me, the guy you let everyone know was Jewish on Twitter."

He was referring to Trump's 2013 tweet in which he wrote: "I promise you that I am a lot smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz – I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow Who, by the way, is totally overestimated. "

(Trump followed this tweet with another saying how Stewart should not have changed his last name and that he should" be proud of "

" C & # 39; It's just that we all still have a little trouble adapting to your presidency as she begins her 500th year, "said an exasperated Stewart, rubbing his face with his hands.

He said that thanks to Trump, everything was upside down – "Apparently, Putin and Kim Jong Un are noble and intelligent models and Canada is a group of giant holes.

" You do not redo the post-war alliances that this time we are with Axis powers, "Stewart continued. [19] 659002] He told Trump that one of the hallmarks of his presidency was that "whatever you do, it always goes with an extra layer of cruelty and dia kishness". He said that this could be seen in Trump's vehement opposition to NFL players who were kneeing, in his implication that the women who accused him of sexual assault were ugly and in his labeling the media as enemies of the people.

"This is not even partisan," Stewart said. "No matter who in the Republican Party who dares to speak against you, they must also be humiliated, even if they have a terminal illness." In that, he referred to Senator John McCain, who has brain cancer.

He said that Trump's doctrine is best explained by a clip of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie "Conan the Barbarian" of 1982: "Crush your enemies, see them led in front of you and listen to the complaints of their wives. " [19659002] Stewart tells Trump that he could have adopted a stricter border policy without going as far as his administration did to separate families

"But I guess it does not happen. would not have seemed fair without a level of nastiness to Dickens, "he says. . "You separated the people who were seeking asylum from their children."

Stewart therefore tried to negotiate with Trump, to give him something that could force him to give up this "joyous cruelty".

"How about giving you a giant building with gold toilets and your name on it? he suggested, just so that Colbert, who lives in Montclair, sneaks under the murmur of Trump's life.What would you say about a news network that would rent everything that he Did Colbert tell Stewart about Fox News or maybe a volcano that would destroy part of the original Hawaii state of Barack Obama? Enter Colbert with the word on Kilauea. 19659006] Stewart gave up these possibilities, but said that he would draw the line on another issue: "I will not allow you, nor your sycophants to turn your cruelty into virtue." With that, he cited excerpts from Trump's advocates calling him a strong leader, a fighter and a "compassionate human being."

To explain the concept, Stewart quoted Abraham Lincoln's speech in 1860 to Cooper Union While he was not yet president, Lincoln said the slave owners wanted states to ibres "cease to describe slavery as false and join them to qualify it as right".

"What Donald Trump wants is that we stop calling his cruelty and his fear and his divagation division, but join him for what he calls the right," he said. he says. "And what we can not do," said Stewart, to applause that stifled the end of his statement: "And by not giving in, we'll win." He ousted an incomplete sentence that encouragement continued. "Unless, of course, the Democratic leadership continues to be a bunch of fucking …"

Amy Kuperinsky can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @AmyKup or on Facebook.

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