Watch NASA test the Orion parachutes by dropping it from an airplane


For Wednesday's event, NASA will drop an Orion test capsule from a C-17 military aircraft at an altitude of more than six miles. It will be used to verify that the 11 parachutes of the capsule, barrel type mortars and pyrotechnics deploy in sequence during the landing procedure. Each element of the sequence must work perfectly to slow down the spacecraft for a safe landing.

In 2013, Stu Mcclung, Orion engineer, explained that the implementation of the landing system through different scenarios is necessary because the deployment of the parachute "is intrinsically chaotic and difficult to predict". This is why in recent years, NASA has discontinued Orion test versions in the ocean, tested it under various weather conditions and has gone through several failure scenarios. to see if the system is working as expected. The Orion capsule was designed to take humanity beyond the low Earth orbit, into the moon, on Mars and further into space. Its launch is scheduled for the first time next year on the NASA space launch system.

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