Watch now: Melania Trump's plane turns around and returns to the Andrews Common Base in Maryland


Updated October 17, 2018 at 11:02 am eastern daylight time.

A plane carrying the first lady, Melania Trump, unexpectedly turned around shortly after taking off from the Andrews Common Base in Maryland on Wednesday morning. The plane landed unhindered at the military base, and the first lady was seen getting off the plane, according to a press pool report.

Trump spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told reporters that there was a "minor mechanical problem" and that "everything is fine and everyone is safe". Trump traveled to Philadelphia to meet families of children affected by opioid exposure during pregnancy.

The reporters were told that the trip was still ongoing and that Trump had gone on another plane. At the White House, President Trump told Fox Business Network that he had talked with the first lady after the incident.

"She took another plane.I said:" I hope this plane will be better than the first, "said the president. "Yes, they had a problem."

The commotion began about 10 minutes after takeoff, when secret service officers were sighted heading for the front of the plane. Shortly after, a thin cloud of smoke was visible and there was a smell of something burning in the cabin.

The smoke has dissipated and the odor has dissipated in a few minutes.

The first lady, Melania Trump, walks on the tarmac of the Andrews Common Base, Maryland, after the unexpected return of a plane that was carrying her to the military base on October 17, 2018.

The first lady, Melania Trump, walks on the tarmac of the Andrews Common Base, Maryland, after the unexpected return of a plane that was carrying her to the military base on October 17, 2018.


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