WATCH OUT: Lindsay Lohan harasses a refugee family on a GI



Lindsay Lohan attends a red carpet ceremony.

Lindsay Lohan caused a social media crisis on Friday night when she posted a video of herself on Instagram. The video shows Lohan tracking an unidentified woman and her two children on the street and accusing her of child trafficking. We hear the actress adopt a false accent before trying to keep children away from women.

"They are trafficking children … I will not leave until I pick you up," she tells the children. "Now I know who you are. Do not be fooled by me. Lohan tells the woman that she "ruins" Arab culture and says several absurd words before continuing her accusations. "You take these children," she adds. "They want to leave … I'm with you boys do not worry." Watch the two-minute video below.

Lohan was threatened with kidnapping the woman's children

After the woman and her children tried to get away from Lohan, she followed them and told them that she had filmed everything on her phone. "The whole world sees it now," she says. "I'm staying with you, do not worry." Lohan continues to follow the family, saying at one point "give me your hand", but the woman screams before apparently hitting the actress.

The camera is focused downward, so it's hard to know what specific physical action occurred between them. The phone seems to fall after the altercation and Lohan turns against her after the family walks away. "I'm in shock," she says, visibly concealing her tears. Lohan's post exploded on Twitter, where many were puzzled and shocked by his actions. Discover some of the most remarkable reactions below.

Twitter reacted to Lohan's actions with Shock

"… So Lindsay Lohan accused a woman of probably homeless child trafficking and tried to steal her children, but she was punched in the face while she was spinning on her Instagram account, am I reading that it has happened in real life? wrote a confused user.

Another tweet: "Lindsay Lohan's live IG is one of the craziest things I've ever seen. She speaks with a false accent and tries to take two homeless boys to a hotel room against the will of their parents. Their mother pushes her down and Lindsey cries in the camera. Discover the additional reactions below.

Others pointed out that less than an hour ago, Lohan had posted Instagram videos of a club and that confusion about how she had ended up walking the street and meeting the family in question was too big for some. "Lindsay Lohan went from disco to punch in the face for trying to kidnap two refugee children … all on instagram live," tweeted a user.

"Idk why I was watching Lindsay Lohan's live instagram", wrote another user"But one minute she was at the club, then the next she was trying to" save "a homeless Arab family?" An user went to crown one of the most bizarre moments of the year. "Lindsay Lohan lives streaming herself in pursuit of a homeless Syrian family accusing them of trafficking children is probably the most bizarre content to come out of 2018".

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