WATCH: Pat Beverley Diving at Russell Westbrook's Knees


Last night, the resumption of a feud between Russell Westbrook and Patrick Beverley made its appearance in the first regular season game between the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Los Angeles Clippers.

For more than five years, Beverley and Westbrook have had clashes on the ground and a war of words in various media and interviews. Now, it looks like their beef could be worse than ever after what happened in the clippers-thunder clash last night, which ended in a 128-110 Thunder win.

Despite Beverley's reputation as a defensive blocker, Russell Westbrook played a statistically effective game, scoring 32 points, amassing eight assists and adding three interceptions to his game sheet. But Oklahoma City's Thunder Guards night could have been potentially cut short if Beverley had made contact with Russ in one reckless play in the fourth quarter.

Beverley's Dive For The Ball could have had serious repercussions

Nearly six minutes into the fourth quarter between the Clippers and Thunder, Russell Westbrook can be spotted at the top of the key with the ball in his possession. Westbrook makes a cut toward the basket but gropes the handle causing him to recover the ball before any further action. Beverley, who was guarding Paul George at the time, dives into the almost-recovered ball, barely missing Westbrook's knees, both dropping them onto the hardwood.

Beverley was whistled for the blame, but that was not enough for Westbrook. The NBA's most valuable former player is directly directed to Beverley to inform him of his intentions regarding the play. Both parties were forced to separate and were struck by individual technical faults. Fortunately, both players were able to end the match without physical altercation or, worse, without serious injury.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time Beverley has fallen on Russell Westbrook's lap over their long-held disdain.

The Patrick Beverley dive that ended the 2013 season of the NBA season and Westbrook playoffs

In the first round of the 2013 NBA Playoff Series between Oklahoma City Thunder and Houston Rockets (formerly Beverley's team), Beverley made a dubious flight attempt to Westbrook, which allowed the hip to make contact with Westbrook's knee.

Instantly, Westbrook knew his season was over as he made his way to the desk table, hitting the desk in frustration. Westbrook had a few well chosen words for Beverley who had retired to the bench of her team. Unfortunately, this injury ended Russell Westbrook's season and Kevin Durant was forced to lead the Thunder to the Western Conference semifinals, where he was eliminated from playoffs by the Memphis Grizzlies who dominated Series 4 -1.

Before the Westbrook injury, California-based Long Beach's combo guard averaged 23.2 points per game on nearly 44% of all shots on the ground. It's unclear what the OKC Thunder could have done if they were healthy that year.

As it becomes a recurring theme in Westbrook / Beverley beef, the question must be asked …

Does Patrick Beverley play hard or dirty?

Honestly, there is no way to say that from the point of view of a basketball lover or an analytical point of view. Beverley is known for doing all the dirty work and doing all the practical work needed in games that are not reflective on the stats sheet. But is he going too far in his dispute with Russell Westbrook?

Playing hard and diving for lost balls is a necessity and a necessity in some game situations, but this particular scenario may have justified Westbrook's frustration with Beverley. That said, check out the best / worst moments of the Patrick Beverley / Russell Westbrook feud in the video below and let us know if you think Beverley's fourth quarter dive for the ball was justified in the comments section. -Dessous.

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