WATCH: Police Strikes Punch Girl, 15, Coral Springs, Florida [VIDEO]]


A video of a police officer in Coral Springs, Florida, repeatedly striking a 14-year-old girl became viral and was shared by activist and journalist Shaun King.

"CALL #CORALSPRINGSPD: 954-344-1800. Ask them to explain the policy of ruthlessly hitting a 14-year-old girl, "King wrote.

The very brief video was a re-post of an original that had been shared on Friday by the girl's uncle, Michael Dennis, on Facebook.

"So it's my 14-year-old niece who gets punched by the Coral Springs Attorney General because she" spoke it in turn. " While she was already leaving because a boy spat in her face, she got up and went out to confront these Dickheads. She was thrown out in the open and hit in the fist because she could not free her hands. when they tried to handcuff her. Like really !? What a cop on his right would do that shit. WTF he thought Punch a 14-year-old girl like this !? This cop needs to be put away and the city not to give two shits. "

The Coral Springs police followed the video with their own message titled "Rumor Control"

"There is a video showing officers from the Coral Springs Police Department arresting a 14-year-old woman at Coral Square Mall on October 18, 2018. As with all social media posts, she shows only the end of the day. 39, history, not the incident. in its entirety that led to the rest. Security called agents to the mall about unruly teenagers, who harassed customers and caused trouble. When he encountered security, an officer was arrested by a mother, who said that her five-year-old child had been pushed to the ground by one of the teenagers. In addition, the mall's security indicated that one of the teenage girls (arrested) had been seen hitting another teenage client. The security services asked the CSPD agents to issue a warning for trespassing and forbid the teenagers to go to the mall, which they did.

Before leaving the mall, officers received another call regarding another incident. At that time, the forbidden teenagers had returned to the mall. One of the teenagers was arrested without incident. As a result, the female teenager scene in the video began to curse, trying to entice other teens. The police tried to put her in custody. She then began to fight and resist her arrest. Because of her stature and aggressive behavior, the officers took her to the ground trying to get her to free her fists. As seen in the video, she resisted her arrest and, in order to make her obey, she was hit on the side to release her clenched fists – she was then handcuffed. After she was handcuffed and officers attempted to place her in the patrol vehicle, she violently kicked one of the officers. She was transported to the police department, identified and transported to JAC.

The Coral Springs Police Service believes in transparency. It is important that people have all the facts before they hasten to judge the actions of an officer in front of calls … "

Thousands of people commented on the video on social media

An intervener from the CSPD's Instagram article stated that although it seems certain that the girl had broken the law, the way she was treated was at best inappropriate.

"I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE. She could have been handcuffed by two adult men without being violently beaten by this officer. How would you describe a child who kicks as violent, but a man who unnecessarily strikes a child without such derogatory language? Train your agents instead of justifying the racism and brutality of the child.

But a person who claims to be a witness or who has first-hand information claims to have done more than just answer.

On Dennis's Facebook message, the comments, about 2,000, are divided almost equally; those who fall on the side of the police saying that the girl had made him come. Others say that no matter what she did, the officer used excessive force.

This is a story in development.

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