WATCH: The cop sings the "Backstreet Boys"


A policeman from New York City smelled of music. So he decided to hear it … so that the whole neighborhood heard it!

Constable Richard Gunther was on patrol in the East Village of Manhattan on Saturday, November 10th. Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way" was playing in the cruiser while he and Constable Bill Hunz were parked.

Gunther, who was in the driver's seat, used the cruiser's intercom system to sing the words. One can see him wielding the intercom as if it were a microphone, with a big silly smile.

As the song continued, they increased the volume so that the music could also be heard on the street. The vocal talents of Officer Gunther sparked a lot of laughter and expressions of surprise among the spectators, one of them was heard saying, "It becomes viral, that is. Is certain! a good day.

Jordan Haskins was one of the people who had taken out his phone and started recording. He posted the spontaneous performance on Instagram. The video was viewed nearly 2,000 times.

Haskins included the caption: "The NYPD has absolutely nailed it today. So cool to see humanity in our law enforcement. A little thing like this can really give you hope in these uncertain times. "

Agent Gunther found the Instagram message and thanked Haskins for posting it.

"Thank you for taking and posting this video! I'm so happy to be able to entertain everyone. I feel great to interact with the community and see all the smiles / laughs! You are the best guys! "

Agent Hunz also responded to the publication on Instagram. "Thank you for today's laughter Rich … No other person I would prefer to walk with all day! #communitypolicing. "

As for what the Backstreet Boys themselves thought of the performance, Nick Carter seemed to like it! He used the video to promote the group's new single titled "Chances" on Twitter, writing "#WhatAreTheChances the #NYPD as #BackstreetBoys".

Officer Richard Gunther is a veteran of the US Navy. According to his Facebook page, he was a specialist in 3rd class operations and had served for four years. Originally from Port Charlotte, Florida, he moved to New York after leaving the Navy to attend the John Jay Criminal Justice College. Gunther joined the NYPD in 2016.

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