Watch the plants light up when they are attacked


Plants do not have eyes, no ears, no mouth and no hands. They have neither brain nor nervous system. Muscles? Forget them. They are stuck where they started, absorbing the sun and sucking up nutrients from the soil. And yet, when something happens to eat them, they feel it.

And they fight.

They applied glutamate, an important neurotransmitter that helps neurons communicate in animals.

Like animals, plants are eukaryotes – multicellular organisms – that separate from a common ancestor called Luca there are billions of years. To survive, we feel all the threats, transmit messages about them in our bodies or tissues and respond to these challenges. Our actions vary, adapted to the lifestyles we maintain in different environments, but most of our basic cellular machines are the same. Biology kept it like this: if it's not broken, do not fix it.

One of the mechanisms that our cells share is the fluctuating levels of calcium ions, which carry an electrical charge. In humans, this charge helps control when your neurons are sending messages. Changes in calcium ions make your heart or your muscles beat, allowing you to get up and go when something threatens you.

Plants, obviously, can not escape. But researchers knew that genes that make receptors a bit like glutamate trigger electrical signals that pass through plants after being injured. They activate genes elsewhere in the plant, allowing them to react.

With the help of glutamate, calcium ions can circulate, carrying their signal through channels that open like valves when glutamate inserts into these special receptor spaces, such as the keys in them. locks. These channels are not quite the same as those of the mammalian nervous system, but they are very similar and probably work in the same way. They brought Dr. Gilroy and his team to examine the flow of calcium ions.

To make the action visible, the researchers designed Arabidopsis plants, the botanical laboratory rat, to make a protein from jellyfish that shine under the microscope. This sensor, in this case, shines more when calcium levels increase.

They also made plants lacking glutamate-like receptors. In the latter, the fluorescent signal was weak:

The real surprise was the speed. The plant reacted in a few seconds and transferred the information from one leaf to the other in a few minutes, as long as they were connected to the vascular system. This is slower than your nervous system, but "for a plant biologist, it's the reservation," Dr. Gilroy said.

The factory also seemed to be able to detect the amount of damage because when they crushed a sheet, the factory responded everywhere:

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