Watch this bat robot navigate like a real | Science


Eliakim et al.

By Michael Allen

The researchers claim that they created the first fully autonomous robot that navigates ultrasonically, like a bat.

Bats monitor their environment by emitting ultrasonic sound signals that explain the boomerang of objects, a capacity called echolocation. The robot, called Robat, does something similar. Larger than most bats and without wings, it relies on a four-wheeled robot ready for use. Robat produces ultrasonic sound signals from a tiny speaker mounted above its front wheels. He listens to these sounds to go back through two "ears" of microphone. Robat processes and makes decisions based on this information using a small onboard computer.

The researchers report today that when the robot was released into an obstacle course inside a large greenhouse containing plants and other objects, it was able to cross the environment without hitting anything. PLOS Computational Biology. He also mapped the 2D outline of objects encountered in real time, revealing unobstructed paths that could be used in future travels, much like a real bat.

Bats are also thought to use echoes to classify objects and even identify particular objects, such as a favorite tree for foraging. Robat can do the same thing – almost. He was able to distinguish plants and plants with 68% accuracy

The main flaw of Robat is that he has to stop every half-meter for about 30 seconds to gather information. But researchers say that with some modifications, such as a speaker with a wider beam, Robat should be able to echo on the move. Once perfected, the robot could be particularly useful in situations where visual systems could be difficult, for example during search and rescue operations in smoky buildings or at night, when bats are the most active.

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