Watertown Daily Times | Understanding the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness


With the extreme heat of this week, it is important to identify the warning signs of heat-related illnesses.

If a person suffers from heat exhaustion, precursor of heat stroke, she will feel a strong sweating, a rapid pulse, dizziness, fatigue, wet skin and cold with bumps, nausea and headaches. If it is not addressed, heat stroke may occur, according to the Mayo Clinic.

In case of heat exhaustion, remove from heat and let cool as quickly as possible with the help of water or ice. In addition, consume a lot of water and avoid drinks containing alcohol, caffeine or high amounts of sugar.

Heat stroke is the most serious illness and can be fatal if it is not taken care of urgently. The body will reach a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or more, said the Mayo Clinic, and will also experience impaired mental state or behavior, nausea, vomiting, reddened skin, rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat.

If heat stroke is suspected, seek medical attention immediately.

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