Waymo's autonomous cars go manless, and more so this week in cars


It was cunningly a big week for driverless cars. Waymo, the Googley boys and girls who are supposed to win the autonomous driving race, officially received California's first ever DMV license to test their vehicles in that state, with no one behind the wheel. The company suggests hosting the Golden State members in its driverless system … at some point. Meanwhile, Tesla is involved in another lawsuit to determine whether its autopilot function is being marketed properly. do not a driverless feature. (Watch out for the road at all times, guys!) Meanwhile, he launched Navigate on Autopilot, a new feature that relies on using Tesla drivers as beta testers.

Other news: Uber makes it easier to buy at the company's cash desk, Chevrolet makes an electric Camara and I could watch these transport cards for hours. It's been a week. Let yourself catch up.


  • Lordy, look at this electric Chevrolet Camaro concept, unveiled this week in Las Vegas. Its manufacturers promise to cover the quarter mile in 9 seconds, which could be fast enough for Vin Diesel to change its name to Vin Voltage.

  • A Florida man, Shawn Hudson, sues Tesla after his S model crashed into a disabled Ford Fiesta while under autopilot. Hudson said the car was running at 80 mph and that he was looking at his phone at the time of the accident, but his lawsuit claims that Tesla sellers have misled him about the capabilities of the semi-autonomous function.

  • Oh, and speaking of autopilot: Tesla said he was getting better with the "Navigate autopilot" feature, designed to guide a car from one freeway ramp to another. The main writer Jack Stewart has the deets.

  • Waymo receives California's first authorization to test driverless cars in the state.

  • Uber is really more than a glorified taxi company now, huh? This week, the company officially integrated Uber for Business and Uber Eats, making it much easier to order takeaway orders in Thailand.

  • Transit cards that ask you to rethink how to evaluate the bus and train systems. (Tip: There is no question of cutting the ribbon.)

  • According to WIRED, MIT's Ashley Nunes asks: If taxis without drivers arrive, why did the Trump administration do nothing more to prepare?

  • OK, it's a little late for this one, but remember that we'll come back in 2019: here are some tips (pseudo) scientists to optimize your next trick.

  • The race is also a form of transport. That's why you have to read that WIRED editor Nicholas Thompson's attempt to influence scientifically broke his personal marathon overall record. really old 43 years.

Crash (controlled) of the week

The team at Polestar (Volvo's Electrical Performance Division) offers an overview of Polestar 1's first crash test, which was a real challenge for the car's new carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer body. And while the results are not great – no crash test – the Polestar team stated that the frontal collision against a fixed barrier at 35 mph was mainly absorbed by the body structure and that the car remained stiff. . So, they stick to the carbon fiber that extends their range and reduces the weight – woot.

The Polar Star

Stat of the week

21 and 22%

The parents and teens, respectively, who confessed to Liberty Mutual investigators that they were misguided. Olds, find something new to shame children.

Mandatory reading

News from elsewhere on the internet

Exchange of the week

In the latest Recode Decode podcast, two stars from Silicon Valley present the 21st-century version of the Lincoln-Douglass debates.

Kara Swisher: I like the scooter, no, ride on the scooter.

Elon Musk: It lacks dignity.

KS: No, it does not lack dignity.

EM: Yes, they do it.

KS: They do not lack dignity, what are you talking about?

EM: Have you tried driving any of these things? They –

KS: Yes, I do it all the time, I'm fantastic.

EM: They do not do it, you work in an illusion.

In the rear view:

About California: Travel with me in 1999, when Microsoft faced a major antitrust dispute in Washington, but managed to block the software industry in the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

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