"We are positive people, we do not want violence:" A KSU graduate organizes an open hand walk


KENT, Ohio (WKBN) – Our journalists were on hand during Kent State University's open rifle march, which began around 2 pm

The march was hosted by Kaitlin Bennett, a Kent State graduate, who drew the country's attention in May when she published photos of the graduation ceremony. herself carrying an AR-10 rifle on campus.

"It's definitely going to be different because, we're going to be noble now, we can not be static about" The K "as we wanted to be, so it's going to be a big difference, but I hope that from here the end we can always talk to the students and get them away from all the lies these people are saying about K now, "she said.

Many supporters of gun rights and counter-protesters have come out, as well as an increased presence of local security and the state.

When asked how to behave while talking to people who might not agree with your own ideas, Bennett said not to take things personally.

"They do not hate you, they hate your ideas, so we have to stay calm, they do not attack you, they're looking for your ideas, and they're so angry that they just do not want to listen to them, move away from them simply because you do not need to waste your energy for people who will not change the idea anyway. Contact people who are already thinking like you inhale and stay calm, rest assured, "she said.

Bennett is satisfied with the turnout and the general mood of the event.

"We are happy, we are all excited, we are so happy to be here to express our rights to the Second Amendment.If you cross the street from the other side of the street, they have placards stating & That's what you and I do not see any of that here because we are positive people, we do not want violence, we do not tolerate anything. that, we do not tolerate racism, sexism or anything else, but these people out there want nothing but disrupt, "she said.

Many people on the walk wondered if this type of event was in bad taste considering the history of the place with the subject treated.

"So, I love this question.This has nothing to do with bad taste.In 1970, no gun owner, no civilian walked on this campus and shot at some one of them did not.The government came that day and shot students If this is not a perfect example of why the Government should be disarmed against the people, so I do not know what to say to anyone. "Their anger is shifted to gun owners while that should be to tyrannical government," Bennett said.

The Bennett-led event took place in support of open access policies at state universities.

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