We can be all alone in the known universe, a new Oxford study suggests


Mankind has long wondered if other worlds have enough intelligent life to build advanced civilizations. The notion has not only inspired countless works of science fiction, but also dreams of space exploration beyond our solar system.

A study published last week by the Institute for the Future of Mankind of Oxford University examined the issue and came to a depressing conclusion: it is very likely that humans are alone in the observable universe.

The study examined the Fermi paradox – the apparent gap between the apparent likelihood of extraterrestrial life, given the billions of stars similar to our sun, and the weak evidence that a such life really exists. The paradox was named after physicist Enrico Fermi, who asked his colleagues in Los Alamos, N.M. "Where is everyone?"

The authors of the study then examined various hypotheses and equations used to solve the Fermi paradox. The results were not beautiful:

Our main result is to show that proper treatment of scientific uncertainties dissolves the Fermi paradox by showing that it is not at all improbable ex ante for us to be alone in the milky way or in the observable universe.

Our second result is to show that, given the limitations of observation on the prevalence of other civilizations, our updated probabilities suggest that there is a substantial probability that we are alone.

One of the authors, researcher at Oxford, Anders Sandberg, told the Universal Sci science news blog that, according to some measurements, "the average number of civilizations in the galaxy could be quite high – say a Hundreds – and yet the probability that we are alone in the galaxy is 30%! "

Given the conditions necessary to foster intelligent living, Sandberg said that he and his co-authors had concluded that there was a "fairly high probability" that humans were alone.

<p class = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Despite these findings, the study argued against despair against finding intelligence in the universe. "Note that this conclusion does not mean that we are alone (in our galaxy or observable universe), but that this is very scientifically plausible and should not surprise us. It's a statement about our state of knowledge, rather than a new measure. ""data-reactid =" 48 "> Despite these findings, the study argued against the desperation to find information in the universe."Note that this conclusion does not mean that we are alone (in our galaxy or observable universe), but that this is very scientifically plausible and should not surprise us. It's a statement about our state of knowledge, rather than a new measure. "

Nevertheless, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, one of the most ardent proponents of space exploration, noticed the story of Universal-Sci on Twitter this weekend and responded , "so strange".

Musk, who is also CEO of the space cargo company SpaceX, then cited the study's findings as an "extra boost" for humanity to become a space civilization capable of extending life. beyond the Earth.

See the original article on Fortune.com

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