We could be the only intelligent life in the universe, according to a study – Xinhua


LONDON, June 25 (Xinhua) – We could be the only intelligent life in the universe, according to a recent study by a team of professors at Oxford University.

There is "a substantial probability that we are alone in our galaxy, and perhaps even in our observable universe" (53% -99.6% and 39% -85% respectively), "explains the study titled "Dissolve the Fermi paradox".

Dr. Anders Sandberg and his fellow researchers examined the so-called "Fermi paradox" – the conflict between the probability of extraterrestrial life in space and the lack of evidence of it – and realized that the paradox itself and his theories a bit flawed.

One of the theories supporting that the team has challenged is the Drake equation, which says that because of the large size of the universe, it is possible that there is a large number of civilizations somewhere, even if the probability of life elsewhere is small.

Extraterrestrial life in space could be less advanced than on Earth or simply no longer exists, the study said.

"We can answer the Fermi paradox by saying that intelligence is very rare, but then it must be extremely rare," Sandberg told the space and astronomical news agency Universe Today.

"Another possibility is that the intelligence does not last very long, but it only takes one civilization to survive so that it becomes visible," Sandberg said.

"Whatever the answer, it must be more or less strange," he said.

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