We formed like Tom Cruise for the wild mission: Helicopter impossible stunt


To fly a helicopter, for the least, is difficult. Just staying at the level requires orchestral coordination of controls, that's why even a talented novice needs several months of full-time training to qualify as competent. The skill it takes to intentionally upset that balance – and straighten it out before crushing it – requires a lot more. Not enough, however, to dissuade Tom Cruise, who got his helicopter license in record time to be able to steal his own stunts in Mission: Impossible – Fallout the latest install of the series of # 39th action coming out this week

The sixth episode of the franchise sees Ethan Hunt and his team in a new race against the clock after another mission went awry. The plot is complex, but involves a crucial scene in which Hunt pulls a corkscrew dive into an Airbus H125 matte black helicopter, with mountains on all sides. And because Cruise is the kind of maniac who does his own stunts, he himself ripped it off.

As the name suggests, a corkscrew dive consists of a steep vertical drop with a twist, the kind of thing that a helicopter diver. Here, Cruise has faced the added challenge of doing all this by avoiding other helicopters in production. To calm the odds of success, Paramount Pictures has sent Cruise to the Airbus Helicopter Pilot School in Arlington, Texas, which primarily addresses police services and vendors. evacuation piloting the H125 in less terrifying conditions. Cruise is a certified airplane pilot since 1994, but he was new to helicopters when he began the intensive process of mastering something that thrilled the masters.

To see what the actor went through, we did the trek to Arlington. We examined flight manuals, practiced in the simulator, and jumped into a swirling bird for our own flight. If Ethan Hunt is not your guy, and you can not wait for Cruise to come back as Maverick in the sequel Top Gun you can view our own mission (significantly more possible) in the video above. [19659005] More great stories from WIRED

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