We need to end "weight stigma" to avoid weight discrimination and prejudice around obesity


October 11 is celebrated each year as World Obesity Day to raise awareness of the dangers of weight gain and combat this rapidly growing epidemic in the world. The importance of this day has taken on considerable importance given the current situation of obesity in the world and in countries such as India.

Obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, aged 18 and older, were overweight. Of these, more than 600 million were obese.

Easy access to high-calorie packaged foods, sedentary lifestyles and the predilection for gizmos have allowed nearly 70% of Indians living in megacities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore or Chennai to be obese or obese, according to a previous study.

Weight stigma must be eliminated to avoid weight discrimination and prejudice


While the need to change our lifestyles is evident, it is equally important, if not more important, to begin with "ending the stigma of weight", which is also the theme of the World Obesity Federation this year. .

Discriminating a person according to their weight, also called weight bias, leads to their banishment and discrimination by derogatory comments based on a negative attitude towards weight gain.

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    Also, People who have crossed the threshold of BMI in the overweight or obesity category should not be treated as if they now have a disease. People must learn to respect all sizes and shapes because no one has the power to discriminate or judge people based on their own prejudices.

    Weight stigma must be eliminated to avoid weight discrimination and prejudice


    These incidents, such as these, are indicative of the fact that things have changed globally with respect to shame.

    Sports illustrated from the first cover with a plus size model

    Weight stigma must be eliminated to avoid weight discrimination and prejudice


    In a historical movement, The Sports Illustrated magazine has for the first time put a plus size model on the cover of its swimsuit edition! Ashley Graham model will appear on one of the three covers of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit. Graham, a 28-year-old activist living in the Nebraska-based bodybuilding movement in the United States, will be featured in this year's swimsuit issue.

    "I thought Sports Illustrated was taking a risk by putting a girl of my size in the pages, but what about my cover? They do not just break down the barriers. They are the norm now. It's beyond the epic " Ashley Graham.

    Elle India magazine has redefined all the beauty recognized by the company by organizing a photo shoot with larger models

    Weight stigma must be eliminated to avoid weight discrimination and prejudice

    ELLE MAGAZINE / Kritika Gill

    For her February 2016 issue, Elle India broke the stereotype and photographed plus-size women instead of the usual zero-size models. They shoot turned out so well that It is clearly stated that beauty and personality go far beyond a lean figure.

    "My mom was buying clothes that covered my buttocks, but I never understood why I had to hide them." I like her appearance – she's well rounded " Kritika Gill.

    Love your body as it is

    Molly Galbraith, a 31-year-old fitness coach, woke up on January 1, 2016 and decided that for the first time in many years, she was not going to make a New Year's resolution that involved changing her body. Her message on Facebook announcing her decision became viral, and what Molly found most surprising is that it was the national news that a woman loves her body!

    "It's impossible and exhausting, and every time we reach a level of beauty that will please us, a new set of rules and standards to be met is presented. The solution is not not to value beauty, but to broaden its definition to include us ", Molly Galbraith.

    Such incidents where people have used social media to normalize a discriminatory situation

    Weight stigma must be eliminated to avoid weight discrimination and prejudice


    Mona Joshi, a resident of Mumbai, went to a designer store hoping to buy an outfit for the coming wedding season. She saw one that she liked, but could not find it at her height. When she asked the shop assistant if the store had clothes the size of her size, he replied "of course not."

    Upset, she asked, "So what women of my size are supposed to do?"

    His answer? "Going to the gym!"

    Mona immediately left the store, but her friend posted the incident on social media, where she got considerable support and fought back against people who discriminated against her weight.

    Advertising that encourages plus-size women to do what they want

    By showing how normal-sized women can do anything they want, even yoga, this advertisement encourages them to break the stereotypes that are attributed to them and to do whatever makes them happy.

    Use these simple but highly effective lifestyle adjustments to improve your appearance and perception of yourself, without going to the gym or impractical diet, and lifestyle hacks that will only make you unhappy. .

    # 1. Sleep earlier or at least at a scheduled time

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    Studies have shown that Sleep deprivation causes more hunger and cravings, as it directly increases your hunger hormone, called ghrelin, and decreases your satiety hormone, called leptin. Building a sleep schedule can also help you build a catering schedule around it. These two habits can be the most important factor for controlling or losing weight.

    # 2. Take a 30 minute sauna bath because it is as good as a moderate intensity workout

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    A recent study found that 30 minutes of sauna are enough to reduce blood pressure and increase body temperature to a level comparable to that of medium intensity exercises,says a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. Bathing in the sauna increases your heart rate, in the same way as the exercises of average intensity, at about 2 ° C. Previous research indicates Sauna baths are associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease and sudden death from heart, hypertension and Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

    # 3. Know when to take a snack; skip snack in the morning

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    Eating healthy snacks is one thing, but it's equally important to know when to grab a snack. Nibbling in the morning, for example, can increase your cravings later and push you to eat more all day, compared to a snack in the afternoon. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found this people who nibbled in the afternoon instead of the morning lost up to 6.5 pounds more.

    # 4. Switch to black coffee, it will save you calories and save you money

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym

    Militia Ganjar_Twitter.com

    A cup of coffee that should ideally contain a number of calories in numbers, eventually pulling up to 69 calories, an increase of more than 1,000% of what coffee should be, according to the newspaper Public health (thanks to all sugars, flavored syrups and other additives). Having black can save you nearly 500 calories a week. Having black can save you nearly 500 calories per week and a lot of money over the months / years if you drink coffee regularly at outlets like Starbucks.

    # 5. Cook for you and your loved one to burn calories before consuming

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    Cooking encourages healthy eating habits in and of themselves; The effort you make in the kitchen clears in front of you when you are trying to stick to healthy eating. What else? The process of preparing and cooking, which involves cutting, grinding, moving and all the rest, allows you to easily burn over 100 calories.

    # 6. Stay at your workstation to double the calories you burn all day

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    Standing or even standing and working may not be a new trend, but we still have a long way to go to make it a cultural mandate in our workplaces. Staying at your workstation can help you burn 22 or more calories per half hour than if you were sitting. Walk about every hour and you end up burning even more (up to 200 calories or more if you do it religiously).

    # 7. Fidget as much as you can during the day, even when you're sitting

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    This type of advice may surprise most people, but waving even all day can help to counter the illnesses that can result from prolonged sitting. The damper alone can burn up to 350 calories, says the American Council of Exercise. That's almost as much, if not more, than what you would burn by doing a 30-minute steady-state workout.

    # 8. Have a high protein breakfast, with eggs in them if you can

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    Having a hearty breakfast not only helps to maintain your energy level and burn calories all day, adding a good amount of protein allows you to stay full longer and eat later in the day. For example, a review of the journal Nutrition found this people who consumed eggs consumed fewer calories a day, ended up losing 65% more weight, had a 34% reduction in body size and a 16% body fat percentage in just eight weeks!

    # 9. Take water everywhere you go and hydrate before meals to avoid overeating

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    60% of the time, we confuse our feeling of thirst with hunger, claiming several studies, including one published in the journal Physiology and behavior revealed. This is because the same part of the brain controls our thirst and hunger. Aditionellement, having about half a liter of water 30 minutes before meals can help you lose up to 5 pounds in 12 weeks, because it helps your brain to distinguish between hunger and thirst.

    #ten. If you can not do without alcohol, stay true to the wine to reap the benefits.

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    An adult consumes an average of about 100 calories a day, says a study by the CDC. Switching to wine can prevent you from eating sweet and high calorie foods, such as beer or cocktails. In addition, red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that benefits the health of your heart, prevents your blood vessels from deteriorating and keeps your cholesterol levels under control.

    # 11. Wear casual clothes at your workplace if the dress code allows it to stay more active all day

    11 tips that will help you lose weight if you do not want to go to the gym


    It's true, wearing casual clothes, as opposed to workwear, can on its own increase your physical activity all day, says the US Council on Exercise. A study conducted by them revealed that people in casual dress can do about 491 steps and burn up to 25 more calories during the day. In fact, they claimed that keeping it relaxed for a day during the week can burn 6,250 calories a year!

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