We only eat fruits and we did not brush our teeth in two years


This woman claims to have only eaten fruit for five years and says her extreme diet makes her "feel good".

Interior designer Tina Stoklosa, originally from Warsaw (Poland), first tried the fruit diet in December 2013.

The 39-year-old immediately saw results, but found the diet difficult to follow at home, because of the temptations to go to the restaurant.

She decided to move to Bali three years ago, to discover more exotic fruits and become fully fruitful. It is there that she met her fiance Simon Beun, 26, from Izegem, Belgium.

The couple have not brushed their teeth for two years, saying it was not necessary to follow the diet and they would never return to "normal" food.

Stoklosa was particularly pleased with the results of her waistline: she lost 70 pounds to 113 pounds and went from a British size of 16 to 8.

The couple eats between 2,000 and 4,000 calories and nibbles up to 30 bananas in one day, while quenching their thirst with coconut water.

Stoklosa said: "I have been the biggest on my adult life. Engaging in binge-eating and diet cycles only grows up and feels more helpless every year. While looking for a green smoothie recipe for the first time, I found an online girl who only ate fruit, and then I found a whole bunch of people online who were eating that way and presented themselves as fruitarians.

"The vast majority of them looked incredibly healthy and had so much energy that they chose to be stamina athletes. I was intrigued and decided to do a week of cleaning before Christmas with fruit. "

"I felt amazing this week – light, optimistic, even high, I was walking 30 centimeters off the ground – it was like I was in love with everything. This diet was worth it, even for the mental game. I decided to never return to "normal" food again. Easier to say than to do, the first two years, I gave in to cooked food hundreds of times.

"With little or no exercise, I'm able to eat as much as my boyfriend – a twenty-six year old man – and not gain weight. The benefits of the fruit lifestyle? Certainly. Weight maintenance is so easy for the fruits.

Beun, who was previously vegan, reached out to Stoklosa after meeting her Instagram page – and found the transition to an easy fruit diet.

He said, "I became fruitarian overnight. I felt amazing and my race was so much better that I never looked back!

The couple says her diet can cure cancer, depression and chronic diseases.

Despite the high sugar diet, they have not brushed their teeth in two years, because they think the fruit fibers clean them.

Stoklosa said: "The benefits are weight loss, you can eat an unlimited amount of fruit each day, increased sleep quality, crazy amounts of energy. Feel more connected to nature, to yourself and to others. Feeling younger every day, from a scientific point of view, you follow this diet.

"It cures depression, treats so many mental illnesses and relieves anxiety. Cure all chronic digestive problems. There are thousands of personal accounts of people who have cured cancer with this diet.

"Huge savings on health insurance, drugs, alcohol, cooking equipment and ingredients, cosmetics – once you introduce minimalism into your diet, it is spreading in from other areas of your life. The diet questions everything we believe about food and our culture, which focuses on cooking food. Once you have broken this taboo, you feel liberated to challenge other ideas that we think we have established in our society.

"When you eat whole fruit, the fruit fibers clean your teeth. I do not brush my teeth either.

"When I went out after three years, the dentist called two other dentists to show them my teeth – my teeth were in such good shape that she did not believe them. But please, do not try this with dried fruit – it sticks to your teeth and makes them rot.

Beun and Stoklosa have their own YouTube channel, Fit Shortie Eats, where they talk about hunting and looking for exotic fruits.

Stoklosa said, "When I eat an average fruit, I feel average. When I eat incredible fruit, I look in the mirror and think, "Who is this amazing person looking at me?"

"If I could just ask you to make a change, eat fruit at breakfast, you'll feel better already. Once you understand, replace the lunch with fruit. If you have serious illnesses to heal or are overweight, consider a fruit-based diet for 30 days and watch the incredible results.

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