"We should just burn," the woman finds 30 reclusive spiders in her house and wants to imitate the same


"There was a spider, I panicked, but I think it's gone now" seems to be the only logical answer to the discovery of 30 brown recluse spiders the first night in a new home.

When Nicole Photianos moved into her new home in Paulding County, Georgia, the only things she should have worried about were unpacking. However, after discovering 30 brown recluse spiders in her new home, she had to imitate the same classic spider and simply burn it with fire.

"I'm just saying we should just burn it," said Nicole Photianos after the discovery.

For those who suffer from a fear of spiders, this seems like a perfectly reasonable answer to the situation.

In addition, according to WXPI NewsNicole Photianos found all these spiders the first night she moved into her new home.

After the discovery, Photianos contacted previous owners who denied having a problem with the spiders. However, some mold work on the site and the vacancy of the house for four months contributed to the abundance of brown recluse spiders when the Photianos moved in.

"I think they have always lived in the walls. They just went out when they did the work, so yes, they are just everywhere, "said Nicole Photianos WSB-TV 2.

Yes, it's good to shudder at thought.

Since the family moved into their new home, they have regularly resorted to exterminators to deal with the problem rather than resorting to the extreme measure of extinguishing the fire problem, just like the classic that shows a house on fire with the caption: the spider, I panicked. But I think it's gone now, "indicating that they were set on fire instead of treating the spider.

30 reclusive brown spiders are found in a house


Until now, the spiders have returned after each treatment, but Photianos remains positive. She hopes the treatment will ultimately be effective. In the meantime, she is praying for her children to stay safe.

Of course, reclusive brown spiders have chosen a residence belonging to a certain arachnophobe.

"They are literally my biggest fear," said Photianos.

And she's not alone with her fear of spiders. according to Science liveit is estimated that between three and five percent of the US population has arachnophobia, which is known as fear of spiders.

A bite of a brown recluse spider can cause blisters and white lesions. However, if the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health considers spider bites to be dangerous, it is very rare that they suffer from them. Spiders can be identified by their "distinctive violin pattern on the back", according to WSB-TV 2.

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