Kate McKinnon returned as Judge Ruth Bader Gisnburg. (Photo: NBC, Will Heath / NBC)

We are relieved to announce that Colin Jost and Michael Che have found the rhythm for the first season of "Saturday Night Live." The first five minutes "Weekend Update" – dedicated to controversial Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh – more fun than any other their Bits of Emmys earlier this month combined.

"Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford appeared Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee and it was a classic case of" she said, he shouted, "said Jost opening the lines, adding: "Based on his testimony, I guess Kavanagh thought the audience was whether he thought he was cool in high school. "

After playing a Kavanaugh video stating his love of beer, "he added," I must say that you do not really help yourself in a drunken assault case when you talk. "

As for Kavanaugh who uses the 1982 calendars as an alibi, Jost claimed that they were not proving your innocence. This proves that you are an accumulator. "

He added: "Almost all of those who kept their cool were the woman interviewed and the woman Republicans had to hire to talk to the woman interviewed, and now, in terms of optics, I understand why Republicans have done it.But if you are not the right person to ask questions at a Senate hearing, you may not be the right person to be a senator . "

Che means, "I just want to remind everyone that all those yelling and crying took place during the hiring interview of the guy! I mean, usually when you are asked a question about a sexual assault and your alcohol problem during a job interview, Get the fucking job! "

While conceding that he did not know if Kavanaugh had committed a sexual assault or an alcohol problem, he added, "He has could. You probably should not sit on the Supreme Court. You should not be on the popular court if you can! "

Che also noted that the audience and the blanket around him had taught him "a lot about what's going on in white preparatory schools." I would have never thought of saying that, but I send my children to a black school where security is assured. "

He also asked a question in the minds of many Americans: "Why does it have to be him? You can not just pick another type of your Illuminati lizard meetings? Are the Republicans so pro-life that you do not even have a Plan B for this? "

But being men, they understood that it was necessary to include a woman in the discussion: the judge of the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Kate McKinnon).

"Does he think his confirmation hearing is unfair?" she asked incredulously. "My confirmation hearing, they even threw me in a river to see if I was floating."

She was not impressed by the compromise idea of ​​Arizona Republican Jeff Flake, in which he agreed to vote to send Kavanaugh 's nomination to the ground in return for a vote. a week – long FBI investigation "so that they can vote yes anyway".

Addressing the senator, who is not standing for re-election, she said, "Hey, Jeff Flake, you can borrow a pair of my panties because you are so concerned about the cover of your back. It's a Ginsburn!

She also referred to Kavanaugh's calendars as "a portrait of justice as a young boy" and showed her own calendar notation of today: "Do not die."

But she seemed resigned to possibly joining the other eight judges on the bench.

"We are going to be very welcoming," she says, rubbing her fingers in a threatening way. Guy loves drinking games so much, we have one for him. It's called Quarters. It's here that Sotomayor and I put a roll of quarters in a sock and we beat him.

She said, "I'm kidding, I could never lift a quarter roll."

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