Wesley Snipes loses the battle with IRS; "Blade" sentenced to pay $ 9.5 million in tax arrears


Wesley Snipes may have defeated vampires in his hit franchise "Blade," but his battle with the IRS has ended in failure.

The tax problems that haunt the actor for years have gained momentum this week when Judge Kathleen Kerrigan of the Federal Tax Court ordered her to pay $ 9.5 million in taxes. Arrears. The decision was based on his inability to prove that he was lacking assets due to a fault committed by a financial advisor.

Mr. Snipes, who was sentenced to three years in prison for deliberately failing to file a tax return, was sentenced to pay $ 23.5 million to the federal government. He responded by filing a compromise offer of $ 850,000, which had been rejected because of the value of his real estate and other assets.

"In view of the disparity between the Applicant's $ 842,061 and the amount of $ 9,581,027 awarded by the Settlement Agent, as well as the Applicant's inability to credibly document its assets," he said. # 39; settlement agent and his manager had ample right to reject the offer, "wrote the judge opinion, the Hollywood Reporter noted on Thursday. "Accordingly, we conclude that the Settlement Agent did not abuse its discretion to decide that acceptance of the petitioner's author's decree was not in the best interests of the United States."

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