West Nile carrying mosquitoes in the Williston area


WILLISTON, ND (KSFY) Mosquitoes are usually just irritating, but some mosquitoes carry the West Nile virus, which can be deadly.

At present, laboratory tests in western North Dakota show an abundance of mosquitoes carrying West Nile. Williams County trap vector control works every morning to keep tabs on mosquito activity and the West Nile carrier, "Culex tarsalis."

Fran Bosch said last Friday, the Ministry of Health confirmed West Nile in the Vector tests Control is sent to them weekly on both sides of the river in Williams and McKenzie counties.

This week, Monday and Wednesday, Williston traps tested by Vector Control show that West Nile mosquitoes outnumber the others.

"It is quite early in the year when this virus starts to move, there is plenty of time for amplification, which means that it is very possible that a lot of people are infected during the rest of the summer, which is not a cause for panic, it is a wake up call that we must be careful when we are outside, Bosch says that if the weather the allows, the Air Force will spray Wednesday night in Williston and Watford City, but if the planes can not get air, they will try again on Thursday.Williston Vector Control will continue with the adulticides aerial and terrestrial treatments from Wednesday to 25 Williston, Carolville, Ray and Grenora.

Bosch says wearing long sleeves if you can outside, use a mosquito repellent and avoid being outside at dawn and at night. twilight, when mosquitoes are the most active.

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