West Nile case to ND top 2017 issue | Local stories


JAMESTOWN, ND – Dawn Entzminger had almost constantly migraines and nausea. To think that it was "just a headache," she fed.

"A day was so bad that I had to go," she said.

Entzminger, a veterinarian from Jamestown, tested positive for West Nile virus, one of 86 cases in North Dakota until September 4, 2018.

Jenny Galbraith, epidemiologist for surveillance at the North Dakota Department of Health, said in 2017 that the state had 62 cases.

"We are a little high, but not ridiculously high this year," she said.

As of August 28, she stated that 24 cases had resulted in hospitalization.

The mosquito information systems of the University of South Dakota estimated that there had been 123 cases in South Dakota until September 3, far more than that. in 2016. Montana has confirmed 19 human cases of Nile Virus up to August 29, compared to 13 in 2017, A West Nile virus death was reported in Yellowstone County in August.

Positive cases for West Nile virus tend to peak in August in North Dakota, although 2018 had an early start in North Dakota, Galbraith said. She said the first case was reported in June.

Humans are not the only species susceptible to West Nile virus. horses and birds too. Entzminger said that there had been 12 positive tests in dead wild birds and four in horses. A horse vaccine helps keep the numbers at bay, she said.

Entzminger does not know if horse owners are vaccinating at the same rate they were when West Nile virus was first identified in the area. But she said that it was the best way to prevent equine problems.

"It's there, waiting for you not to vaccinate," she said.

West Nile is avoidable, Galbraith said. The Department of Health has a list of recommended insect repellents, but Galbraith said DEET-containing products are the best known. Wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants can also help prevent mosquito bites, while avoiding being outside during mosquito rush hours and nightfall. The elimination of stagnant water to reduce the places where mosquitoes can breed is also important, as is the maintenance of the grass around the houses.

"You just have to make sure that you take these precautions to protect yourself. That's what will save you from West Nile, "she said.

The risk of West Nile virus lasts until the first frost, which will stop the activity of mosquitoes.

Galbraith said that most people who have West Nile will never know it. About 20% of people may have flu-like symptoms, including headaches and chills. A very small number of people – less than 1% of those infected – will have serious problems, including very high fevers, disorientation, paralysis, coma or death.

When to seek treatment depends on each person. West Nile virus can not be cured, but symptoms can be treated.

"If you feel that you can not manage (the symptoms) at home by yourself, that's really the time you should go to the doctor," Galbraith said.

Entzminger recovered and returned to normal.

"I am in good health and of an age group that does not usually have serious symptoms," she said.

She received medication to help her cope with migraines and nausea, as well as muscle relaxants to relieve her pain. Going earlier may have helped her find relief for unusually regular migraines that she has experienced.

"It can be a very serious thing, so you want to go in. Do not be stubborn as I was," said Entzminger.

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