West Nile virus causes death of New Jersey man


A man from Lodi, New Jersey, newly infected with West Nile virus, died Saturday, state health officials said.

A spokesman for the New Jersey Department of Health confirmed Fox News death on Friday, noting that his death marked the first West Nile state-related death this year.

The man, identified by NJ.com as Fred Maikisch, 62, was diagnosed with the virus earlier this month before dying on September 15.

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"I'm sorry to share the news that my brother Fred had his MRI last night and that the Nile virus has caused such serious damage that there is no hope of recovery. We decided to remove it from the vent and let it go slowly. Thank you all for your support and we ask you to continue praying during this difficult time, "wrote the man's sister, Terry Maikisch, on Facebook the day before his death.

After investigating a possible case of West Nile, "a man from Bergen County who was diagnosed with West Nile virus died during a West Nile virus infection," said a spokesman. from the Department of Health.

West Nile is a mosquito-borne disease that usually causes headaches, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea or rash, among other side effects, although most people do not experience any symptoms of the virus.


Most infected people recover.

"About 1 in every 150 people infected develop a serious disease affecting the central nervous system, such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord)," according to the Center for Disease. Control and Prevention.

According to the New Jersey Department of Health, in 2015, 25 cases of virus were reported in 15 counties in the state.

This is a significant increase over last year, when eight cases of West Nile virus were reported. The health department said the summer's "hot and rainy climate" has led to an increase in the mosquito population, which has caused problems.

Maikisch, an IKEA salesman, was a "devoted husband" and a "loving father," according to his obituary. Aged 62, he was also a "big fan of giants" and coached the small league of Lodi for more than 20 years.

Madeline Farber is a reporter for Fox News. You can follow her on Twitter @MaddieFarberUDK.

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