West Nile virus found in Riverdale Park mosquitoes


Mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus were found in Prince George County, authorities said. (James Gathany / CDC via Reuters)

Mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus have been discovered in a suburb of London. Washington, DC, the first mosquito discovery with the virus in Maryland this year, officials said Tuesday.

Maryland's Department of Agriculture said it had confirmed the presence of the virus in mosquitoes collected in the Riverdale Park area of ​​Prince George County. Confirmation came Monday; The insects were collected on July 11, the ministry said. The area must be sprayed

The announcement was made a day after the state's health department announced the first case of confirmed and locally contracted virus in Maryland this year.

According to the health department, the adult, and a resident of the Baltimore Metropolitan Area.

Health officials say most people infected with the virus will have no symptoms. According to experts, less than 1% of people exposed to the virus will develop more serious infections in people who fall ill: fever, headache, body aches, rashes and swelling of the lymph nodes. 19659012] The number of cases of West Nile virus in Maryland has varied, health officials said. They said the peak years were 2003, with 73 cases, and 2012, with 47. Three years ago, there were 46.

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