A report from the Center for Disease Control warns that the United States is not ready to deal with the growing threat of insects.

Late summer mosquitoes cause the worst outbreak of West Nile virus in 15 years, experts said Friday.

It is estimated that the virus has seriously weakened 73 Iowans so far this year, causing three deaths, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health. Iowa saw only 12 confirmed cases in the last year. The mosquito season should continue for at least a few weeks. "We expect these numbers to increase," said Ann Garvey, deputy epidemiologist for the department.

The virus, which can cause severe fevers and swelling of the brain, arrived in Iowa in 2001 and peaked in 2003, when it caused 147 confirmed illnesses and killed six Iowans. This year's total is the highest since then. Garvey said the three deaths involved people over 81 years old. Two were in northwestern Iowa and one in central Iowa, she added. Their identities have not been released.

Although mosquitoes tend to be more numerous earlier in the summer, The types most likely to wear the West Nile tend to come out in late summer and early fall. Culex Mosquito species like to feed on birds, including blue jays and crows, which often carry the virus, then bite humans and infect them.

Garvey said the peak of cases could be related to the climate of Iowa this summer. "We had very heavy rains that allowed the water to stay a long time," she said. This water, combined with hot days, encourages mosquito breeding.

She noted that the weather forecast for this weekend is inviting for outdoor activities and she urged people to take precautions against mosquitoes, especially early in the morning and evening.

The threat of mosquito bites will continue until the first hard freeze in Iowa, which tends to occur in October.

Most people with West Nile virus have few symptoms, but about 20% have symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, and rashes.

The Department of Health gives these tips to Iowans to protect themselves from insect bites:

  • Use an insect repellent containing DEET, picaridine, lemon eucalyptus oil or IR3535. Always read the repellent label and consult a health care provider if you have any questions when using these types of products for children. For example, lemon eucalyptus oil should not be used in children under 3 years of age and DEET should not be used in infants under 2 months of age.
  • Avoid outdoor activities at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, shoes and socks on the outside.
  • Eliminate stagnant water around your property because it is there that mosquitoes lay eggs. Empty water from buckets, cans, pool covers and pet water dishes. Change the water in the bird baths every three or four days.

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