WestJet Passenger Stephen Bennett Kicked Flight Off For Falling Asleep


A WestJet Passenger from Burnaby, B.C. is now planning a legal action after he was forced to travel to Cuba.

Stephen Bennett took a sleeping pill on Oct. 13, due to doctors' recommendations. They suggest that they take care of their lives according to CBC News.

Bennett said his wife woke him up at the request of the airline, who said he was in need of accident.

Doctor confirmed health

Another passenger, who witnessed the exchange, told the broadcaster that Bennett was awake within five minutes. Bennett was a fine nurse, but he was still told paramedics needed to conduct an examination of the plane.

"There was no manners, no politeness … The paramedics came and said there's nothing wrong with him, he's perfectly alert, I can see it in his eyes, he's good," Bennett told Global News. He also reportedly showed the crew an email from his doctors, confirming that he was fit to fly.

WestJet did not comment on the situation, but said on Twitter that they were just following Transport Canada regulations by not carrying out "a person whose actions or statements at the time of check of the aircraft, the crew or themselves. "

They went on to explain that

"We stand by our crew's decisions and believe that we are entitled to be under the circumstances," the airline also told BBC News. WestJet offered to put Bennett on a Cuba-bound flight a week later.

Passenger advocate Gábor Lukács said, "unwarranted, unjustified."

"The people who determined he was not fit to travel [training and were] Lukács told Global News.

'I'm ready to cry': Bennett

Bennett and his family were not able to make it back to their flight after takeoff and ended up shelling out an extra $ 1,226 to get on an Air Canada flight in order to keep their hotel reservations. They still missed $ 432 to stay in Toronto for two nights.

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"They would not assist us," Bennett told CBC News. "We're financially hurt, I'm so emotionally hurt … I'm ready to cry right now just because of it, because we lost so much money."

Along with the initial humiliation, Bennett told CTV News that he and his family did not enjoy their all-inclusive vacation at all because of the incident.

"We hardly took any pictures because it was always in our minds we had lost."

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