Janet Mann, an expert in large-print dolphins at Georgetown University who was not involved in this research, said she suspected the calves would stay close to their mother while the ambient sounds were strong. Otherwise, they risk permanent separation. "This means that the calf has fewer opportunities to explore the environment or to create links by itself," Mann said.

Only a few studies have examined the effects of ambient sounds like this one. "Marine research on the impact of sound on marine mammals involves controlled studies with loud sounds, where animals are observed and recorded," Mann said. "The ambient noise of ships is omnipresent and it is difficult to conduct controlled research."

Another study, published in 2012, examined a relative period of ambient calm, when maritime traffic ceased after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In addition to a noise reduction of 6 dB, stress hormones were eliminated in the feces of Right Whales in the North Atlantic. This suggests that "when the ambient noise dropped precipitously, the whales were much less stressed," said Mann.

Researchers have recently monitored humpback whales near a remote shipping lane, halfway up the Maryland coast in Japan. Only one cargo / freighter liner cruised the area once a day. Two recorders captured the sounds of the cargo and whales nearby. When the ship passed, "humpback whales seemed to stop singing temporarily," the study's authors reported in their study published Wednesday in PLOS One.

This document was unusual because "there are not many studies based on a direct and quantitative approach," said Sadaharu Koga, senior scientist at the Japan Ship Technology Research Association. (Koga was not directly involved in this research, but members of his organization were.) It is unclear to what extent the cessation of cetaceans is detrimental, but previous studies show that "singing behavior is related to breeding strategies of male whales, "said Koga. Songs are a way for men to announce their presence and attract whales.

"Water is a great way to direct the sound, which is great if you're a fin whale that needs to find a partner a hundred miles away," said Mann, "but not as great if there is raw sounds created by the man that hinder your attempts to find a date. "

In 2016, the Obama White House called on the National Oceans and Atmosphere Administration to create high level guidelines to reduce the noise of the ocean. NOAA finalized its roadmap in September 2016. NOAA's Ocean Noise Strategy is a "10-year vision" for understanding and managing ocean noise, said Jason Gedamke, Chief Environment Officer. Ocean Acoustics Program.

NOAA has already established a network of noise reference stations, consisting of 12 monitoring sites in US waters, as well as an archive of passive acoustic data including a map allowing the public to observe the location. data collection sites. "The implementation is still ongoing," said Gedamke. It "will continue in the foreseeable future".

But there are no rules for marine sounds comparable to those that limit noise pollution on land, Bailey said. A specific permit is required for some noisy activities, such as seismic surveys of an oil company. For the general sound of the boat, "there is no regulation," she said. "If we can do everything," like the ship engines, she said, "a little quieter, we can reduce this problem."