What advice did Eli Manning of the Giants receive from his father Archie? & # 39; C & # 39; is football & # 39;


For the moment, Eli Manning remains the starting quarterback of the Giants of New York.

But with a 1-7 record early in the week, head coach Pat Shurmur will consider all of his options for the 9th week and the rest of the season.

In the absence of a historic turnaround, Manning and the Giants are heading for a second consecutive losing season.

Manning's father, Archie, is a person who knows the thing well on the ground.

As quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, Archie Manning scored 35-91-3, including a lousy 1-15 in 1980.

However, Archie Manning is proud of how Eli, who could face a 1-15 record in 2018, is doing it himself, according to The Athletic:

"I'm as proud of him as when they won the championships," he said. "It's a professional .It's football." I always say to some of my close friends: "That's American football."

"It's as difficult as it can be, it's as difficult as it gets in football," Archie said. "There are two really negative aspects in football – losing, it's the worst, being hurt, it's the other, it's never been hurt, banging on wood." It's as difficult as it can be .I can talk about experience .I have experienced the experience. "

Winners and losers of business deadlines

Although Eli Manning has no interest in giving up his no-trade clause before Tuesday's deadline, his time with the Giants seems to be coming to an end.

Would Archie want Eli to finish on another team, much like his brother Peyton Manning did when he moved from the Colts of Indianapolis to the Denver Broncos?

"I did not tell Eli about it," he says. "I do not think he's thinking about next year He's trying to win a match I know his passion for the Giants I think everyone has felt from the beginning A He always loved playing for the New York Giants, he lives up there, he raises his family there. "

Mike Rosenstein can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ rosenstein73. Find NJ.com on Facebook.

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