What Archie's verdict means for the rest of season 3


Spoilers coming for the premiere of season 3 of Riverdale on the CW.

The wildest drama on television came back on the air with the premiere of season 3 of Riverdale on the CW, and the fans were undoubtedly more than ready to discover what would be traced after the Bonkers Season 2 finale 2 which ended with Archie's arrest for murder . Well, the main plot of the first round was around Archie's trial, and the verdict is this: Archie pleaded guilty and finds himself behind bars.

Interesting, Riverdale In fact, most of Archie's lawsuits were omitted and were caught just in time to allow viewers to take notice of the lawyers' latest arguments. Although fans are acutely aware that Archie is not guilty of murder, the truth did not seem to matter because his less than wonderful traits were created for create the image of a violent murderer. After closing arguments, the judge sequestered the jury in hotel rooms and sent everyone home for the long Labor Day weekend.

Although Archie had time to enjoy a Cheryl Blossom poolside party, then to swim (with no luck, no leech) with Veronica, Betty and Jughead, he felt guilty not to have stopped the murder of the previous spring. When the time came for the jury to announce its decision, they had a surprise for everyone: they were suspended without hope, with six suspects guilty Archie and six believing him innocent. The judge had no choice but to declare a trial in error and prepare the court to start all over again.

Archie was not happy to hear that everyone should undergo a new trial. So, when the prosecution offered him an agreement involving pleading guilty to a less serious charge, he jumped at the opportunity. The advantage of the least accusation means that it will not go to jail, and already pure time will suffice; The disadvantage is that he is in juvenile detention for two years. Against the advice of his mother / lawyer and Veronica's pleas, Archie accepted the transaction on the spot and headed for juvie.

Now, since this is Riverdale and Riverdale is basically the story of Archie, one can bet that Archie will not be behind bars all season long. The verdict of the trial with him set course on security rather than on maximum security means that it could be simpler for his mates to get him out of the clink than it would have been had he been convicted of the initial charge, although that also means that we have to give up our dreams of a Riverdale/Arrow prison crossing team Archie and Oliver Queen.

Yes, Archie will inevitably be out of custody by the end of the third season. In fact, I would put my money on him so that he gets his papers before the end of the mid-season finale. Riverdale Surely would not have sent Archie into juvenile detention for no reason, though, and his incarceration could mean that he meets someone very important during his stay behind bars. He will inevitably have allies thanks to the imprisoned Serpents that Jughead has promised, but the promo of the next episode reveals that he is about to be treated during his detention.

Archie is unquestionably in danger for a reason, and we can bet that it means Riverdale Veronica refused to let Archie break up with her and is firmly opposed to her father after incarnating Archie. She will therefore probably be very involved in Archie's story, even if they can. Do not do exactly that at a pool party anytime. That said, if Archie is not interested in you, there should be a lot of it elsewhere.

Betty ended the episode with a seizure due to what could be a drug withdrawal, a hallucination, something that was happening with the terrifying people of The Farm, the vision of Polly and her mother who hung twins on fire, or an unknown cause. The revelation of Black Hood was not the end of Betty's family problems! Add the Gargoyle King, who seemed to want to sacrifice two of Jughead's friends, and things always look as dark and winding as ever in season 3. And finally, musical!

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