What are the symptoms of the infection?


A man from Harris County, Texas, died last week from West Nile virus, The Houston Chronicle reported Thursday.

Health authorities in Harris County announced on September 20 that a man aged 45 to 54 had died after contracting the virus transmitted by mosquitoes. The man was suffering from "underlying chronic health problems", according to the The Chronicle.

"We are devastated to report the first death associated with West Nile virus, and our hearts go out to the family," said Dr. Umair A. Shah, executive director of Harris County Public Health. "It's also a reminder that West Nile can be serious and cause complications, including death."

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission recorded 45 cases of West Nile virus this year.

RTSP4GM A female Aedes aegypti mosquito is shown in this 2006 photograph. West Nile virus killed two people in Texas this year. REUTERS / James Gathany / CDC / Document via Reuters / File Photo

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the virus resulted in 35 deaths in the United States as of September 18. This figure did not include the death in Texas – the second in the state this year – or a death in New Jersey that, according to NJ.com, occurred on September 15. for the virus in the history of the United States.

According to the CDC, more than 2,000 people reported having contracted West Nile virus last year. The agency has documented 1,077 known or probable cases this year. The virus infected people, birds or mosquitoes in 47 states and the District of Columbia in 2018. Nebraska reported 133 cases, the largest number in the country.

WNV-activity-09182018 A color-coded map of the dispersion of West Nile virus by state on 18 September. CENTERS FOR DISASTER CONTROL AND PREVENTION

Eighty percent of infected people have no symptoms. About 20% have symptoms such as headaches, body aches or rashes, and about one in every 150 infected people develop serious diseases that affect the central nervous system. Possible acute reactions include encephalitis or meningitis. People with severe West Nile disease may also experience disorientation, coma, vision loss or paralysis.

People over 60 and people with cancer, diabetes and kidney disease are particularly susceptible to developing serious illnesses after being infected with West Nile virus.

"There is no specific treatment for WNV infection," according to the CDC. "In more severe cases, people usually have to go to the hospital where they can receive supportive treatment, including intravenous fluids, help with breathing and nursing."

The CDC recommends using insect repellents approved by the EPA to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, which could transmit the virus. The agency also suggests regularly pouring and cleaning items that may contain stagnant water, where insects could lay their eggs.

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