What does it mean to travel in space? Adelaide students receive live interview with NASA astronaut



September 12, 2018 16:05:41

What does it mean to live in space? How do astronauts manage the disease? What is it that they eat?

Key points:

  • Adelaide students to cross live at the International Space Station
  • They will interview NASA's astronaut Richard Arnold
  • Live cross all about promoting STEM careers for female students

These are just a few of the questions that a group of students from Adelaide might pose tonight when they live through the International Space Station (ISS).

Students at Walford's Grade 12 Girls School will be interviewing NASA astronaut Richard Arnold with the rare moment of live broadcast in the world.

It follows the first tour of Walford Space Space, where students visited NASA in Alabama last April.

Teach STEM in an "inspiring and creative" way

Principal Rebecca Clarke said the opportunity was to show students what career options are available and to promote women's involvement in STEM careers.

She said that it also helped to showcase one of humanity's greatest achievements: traveling in space.

"We are always looking for innovative ways to engage our students, educate our students and show what is possible," she said.

"We recognize that women are underrepresented in STEM careers and this link with the International Space Station is a great way to bring all these areas together in an inspiring and creative way.

"This event brings together a wide variety of students, parents and the wider community to celebrate some of the greatest human achievements."

She said she hoped that the interview could create a career for some students, or at least show them what kind of career they could aim for.

"The fact that all girls have the opportunity to participate in this exciting opportunity is the way it encouraged them to get involved in a really unusual opportunity," she said.

"After all, how many people have talked to an astronaut in space?

"These students may never be able to pursue a career in STEM, but simply because they had the opportunity to participate in a school competition, they had the chance to do something really out of this world. "

The space interview will have a lasting impact

Clarke said the school wanted to build on its success with its space camp in 2017 and that the opportunity to interview a NASA astronaut was extremely rare at a school in Adelaide.

"After the success of the space camp last year, we are delighted to be able to offer this unique opportunity to our students, which should have a lasting impact," she said.

The group of 12 students was selected at a contest and the school will also present a range of activities prior to the interview, including virtual reality glasses that allow people to see what it is that to cross the International Space Station, a simulated planetarium. a spacesuit and 3D printing.


air and space,

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