What does Nikki Bella's WWE & # 39; Evolution & # 39; match mean?


On July 13, 2015, WWE underwent a dramatic change in women's wrestling. By the time Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks made their debut in the main training, what would be nicknamed the "Women's Revolution" began to get going.

Less than a year later, at WrestleMania 32, the WWE started with a brand new women's championship and set an era that has since become taboo.

The Divas were dead.

While you may be hard pressed to find someone who does not support the progress made by women during the WWE over the last three years, the legacy of the Divas division and the stars that make it so They have been lost to a certain extent.

Of these, none was – or is – bigger than Nikki Bella.

"We turned it into something so bad"

"When they understand this word, they take away everyone's hard work," Bella told Yahoo Sports. "You can not forget them. j & # 39; uses [Diva] now in a very sarcastic term because it has become a four-letter word, it has become a curse word. For me, it's not like that to me. "

Bella, who, before returning to the ring last month, had not played any games for nearly two years, will face Ronda Rousey for the Women's Raw title at the first-ever WWE all-female pay-per-view. , "Evolution," on Sunday.

Bella's return is not just a confrontation between two women for a champion belt, it's a confrontation between the past and the present, a new era against another whose heritage has been distorted over time.

"You hear women from the past speak out because they remember their hard work, their conviction that people had to be convinced that a Diva is not just a live singer or a woman who requires a lot of 'talk,' said Bella. "She is a fierce, strong, powerful and beautiful wrestler. It's something I will never forget. The women will now talk about it, but they were not there when we were fighting.

Since her debut at WWE, Bella has become one of the most successful and polarizing stars in the lineup. Although she is the oldest Diva champion, Bella is frequently the target of hatred and vitriol, especially a community of wrestlers who sees her as a symbol of an old age and without opportunity.

"I think there is a certain group of people, especially online, who do that," said Bella. "If you hear the crowd, be honest, clever, there is definitely a band and they have no respect for my sister and what we have done here.

"We have always been the girls who have been punching the bags. We were the girls who brought the other girls. Whenever they can pick on us, it raises them. I would be lying if I said that it is not difficult when every situation in which I present myself, I am this girl. "

For an industry that traditionally keeps extreme vigilance outside the ring, Bella and her twin sister Brie were two of the most open and vulnerable stars, allowing cameras to follow them in two reality shows. Lack of privacy has become a double-edged sword.

"My personal life is always thrown in," Bella said. "The hatred of [some fans] honestly shows that my sister and I are doing something good. This makes you an easier target to discuss. You can say a lot about me in the ring, this makes the promotion easier to deliver. "

Despite some negative feedback, Bella does not play the victim and, while it's easy for some to look back and disregard her work, the idea that she has been left on all did not work hard are misconceptions in his head.

Nikki Bella and her sister Brie have been working at WWE for more than a decade and have been instrumental in the "evolution of women". (Photo courtesy of WWE)

"We were not role models," Bella says. "We were two of the few women to make their debut as wrestlers. Brie and I made their Pennsylvania debut against Victoria, no one knew us, we went out to listen to new music, we were told we could not wear fight outfits because they did not know us. did not like our colors, we had to take swimsuits and sew it to workout pants and we went out and we started, we struggled. "

By contrast, the entire WWE development program is different, more than ten years after the debut of Bellas. Although Nikki and Brie have arrived with little or no knowledge from fans, the new stars, both men and women, enjoy a complete system allowing fans to get used to their characters as they qualify. .

"These women are so lucky now, because not only do they have high level coaches and they have this division, I think it's an installation, but before they go on television, they're already on the screens. [WWE Network and NXT]Said Bella. "They understand the camera angles, the television matches, everything we needed to learn on the main list. The first time we learned it would be live on the USA network.

"I think a lot of things have helped women get to where we are today. One of them was NXT and what they were allowed to do.

A chance to make history was a risk to take

Although the landscape has changed dramatically in the WWE, Bella did not doubt that she should be part of "Evolution," the culmination of years, if not decades of hard work and #GiveDivasAChance movement. Bella herself played an important role. in the sparks almost four years ago.

"This moment is a feat, it's an accomplishment, it's historic," said Bella. "For me, it's the 12 years of my life, blood, sweat and tears. The "no" has turned into "yes", the negatives into positive ones. All of this leads to this moment of change, the moment we fought for. "

Even with the opportunity to make history, there were legitimate concerns regarding Bella's health. After undergoing a neck surgery, Bella was forced to move away from the ring and, upon her return, completely altered her repertoire of movements to protect herself.

"When I got the call back for" Evolution "and that I answered yes, a lot of people said that I was crazy," Bella said. "With all that I've lived, knowing that no matter who I dance with, my coaches, my producers, everyone always protects me. I know that accidents can happen, but we are professionals. When you have a love and a passion for something, you do not even think about those things. "

Nikki Bella and her sister Brie have been working at WWE for more than a decade and have been instrumental in the "evolution of women". (Photo courtesy of WWE)

Then, in the eyes of some fans, there was the question of whether or not she deserved one of the best successes of "Evolution", a silly idea when you examine Bella's almost unparalleled cross appeal in the women's division. .

Although virtually no privacy has left them exposed to personal attacks, it has also made them two of the most marketable and recognizable stars both inside and outside of WWE .

In addition to appearing on "Total Divas" and "Total Bellas" (where she is executive producer), Bella has a garment-making business, BirdieBee, a wine label, Belle Radici, and was a candidate on the show. "Dancing with the Stars. "

"I like to have the causal viewer because I like to make someone stop and ask him, 'Who are these women?' I want to know them better, "said Bella. "I always think about it when I get out of the gorilla [position]. It's not how I'm going to be able to encourage the smart fan to cheer me up, but how to make sure that someone stops the channel and tunes. Who can I find the audience I can connect to?

"I think that's what made Brie and myself so strong, that even though there is online hatred coming from a certain type of audience, our Bella Army is global and she is incredible. It's like a fandom that I do not think the WWE has ever had. They are so positive. They get up, they protect themselves.

Bella's legacy extended into the locker room. As a veteran of the industry, Bella has a perspective and presence that few other people have in the current list and he is certainly delighted to go backstage.

"Brie and I are really mother-mothers out there, we care a lot, we love our women there," Bella said. "I always make sure they know they can come to me at any time. If you need me, I'll be there. Cloakrooms, we are like a family, the majority of us have a bond of brotherhood. "

Regardless of the outcome of his match against Rousey, or the length of his return, or the reaction of the fans, "Evolution" will be a special moment for Bella.

"It will be the greatest achievement of my career, to be part of it," said Bella. "It's really an honor, I'm grateful for it."

The Divas may be dead, but Nikki Bella is alive and well.

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